Alcohol poisoning - symptoms

Intoxication is a common cause of emergency medical care. And unfortunately, the most frequently needed help is when it comes to alcohol poisoning, the symptoms of which we will read in the article.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

As a rule, the symptoms of alcohol poisoning are fully manifested on the next day - the hangover comes. The main characteristics of the hangover:

However, the morning hangover is present in case of easy poisoning. In severe form, symptoms are manifested much earlier. Ethyl alcohol is rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the body. Therefore, in case of severe intoxication, virtually any body system can be affected.

When the digestive tract is affected, there are:

With lesions of the central nervous system, the following symptoms are noted:

There may be seizures. One of the characteristic symptoms of alcohol poisoning is a decrease in temperature.

The defeat of the cardiovascular system leads to the following symptoms:

Signs of intoxication of the respiratory system:

Since the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol are excreted through the kidneys, a decrease in urine output is noted. Symptoms of liver poisoning with alcohol are manifested in the form of painful attacks in the zone of the right hypochondrium.

Of course, a small amount of quality alcohol will not lead to similar effects. But poisoning with low-quality alcohol is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication up to a coma.

Symptoms of surrogate alcohol poisoning

Unfortunately, some individuals with alcohol dependence are ready to use various solvents and cleaning liquids containing methyl alcohol. In this case, intoxication occurs after 12-24 hours. Here are the symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning:

It is worth noting that the use of methyl alcohol leads to damage to the optic nerve, so the treatment is not able to restore the visual function.

Do not be afraid only of solvents with methyl alcohol . The use of lotions, colognes and even pharmacological infusions is fraught with serious consequences for the body. In technical liquids, household chemicals often use ethylene glycol.

The first signs appear after 4-8 hours. There are such symptoms:

Since the use of ethylene glycol leads to the formation of insoluble salts, they interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys. This is manifested by acute pain in the lumbar region, as well as a decrease in the release of urine and the appearance of a red liquid shade. If you do not help, you probably have a coma.

In order not to interfere with alcohol poisoning, one should observe the norm in the use of alcohol-containing beverages and buy only certified products of well-known manufacturers. And of course, do not go down to the use of surrogates.