Free baby swaddling

From time immemorial, mothers wrapped their newborn babies in diapers. It was very convenient: you do not need to buy a baby a lot of clothes, from which he still grows very quickly, and it is easier to wash diapers than multi-colored sliders, which can be shed. For a long time, superstition was popular, that it is necessary to swaddle the legs more quickly. But over time, in the matter of caring for the child, new trends inevitably appear, one of which was a free swaddling.

To swaddle a child or not is a private matter for parents. Now in many maternity hospitals swaddling a newborn is not required. However, newly-made parents who are not supporters of swaddling, still need to know that sometimes this measure is very useful. Next, we will consider in what situations this happens.

Advantages of a free swaddling of a newborn

Swaddling is tight and free. In the first case, the baby is tightly wrapped in one or more diapers so that his legs are even. Free swaddling implies, based on the name, a certain degree of freedom for the baby: it is not stretched in a "column", but is in a peculiar cocoon of diapers. He is very comfortable and cozy in this "house", and while the body is not tightened. The free swaddling of a child, unlike a tight one, was invented solely for the comfort of the baby.

Free swaddling technique

Free swaddling means wrapping only the lower part of the body. In this case, the baby's pens remain free, which promotes activity: the child explores the world around him, and, above all, his own body, can suck a fist, touch his face, lift and examine pens, etc.

So, put the diaper on the table (warm or thin, depending on the temperature of the air in the room), put the baby on it so that its upper edge is just above the waist. Put the baby on the baby's diaper and blouse. Feel the legs in this way: first, wrap the baby around the baby with the left side of the diaper, fixing it under the boot, and then, crosswise, and the right side. The lower edge of the diaper is bent upward, as if applying it to the baby's legs, and gently fasten the edges at the back or side. Frozen in this way, the crumb will be able to move both the handles and legs, but the lower limbs will be warm.

An analogue to a free swaddling is an envelope for a newborn, which is a kind of sleeping bag.

Free diapering for dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a common congenital disease of children. However, it is easy to treat if it is diagnosed in time and take appropriate measures.

For the treatment and prevention of dysplasia use a wide swaddling. It is very similar to free, differs only in that between the legs of the child put a folded diaper in the platen, dilating the hip joints to the sides. This measure works well for mild dysplasia.