Apricot jam "Pyatiminutka"

The name "Pyatiminutka" is quite deceptive, since the jam on this recipe is not prepared in five minutes. Varka takes a little longer than usual, but if you are ready to set aside this time for preservation with whole and dense fruits, a transparent syrup and a rich taste, then below we will describe a few detailed recipes.

Apricot jam "Pyatiminutka" - recipe

Its name was given to the recipe due to the presence of several phases of cooking, in which fruits first insist on sugar, waiting for the juice to come out, and then boil three times for five minutes with a three-hour break between each of the boiling.

This jam is made from slightly unripe apricot (not green!), Since in this case the maximum purity of the syrup and the integrity of the fruit are ensured. Also, within this recipe, all you need is sugar and apricots themselves in equal proportions.

Riden the fruit from the bones as neatly as possible, so as not to damage the halves of the pulp. Spread some of the fruit cut up into the bottom of the enameled pot. Sprinkle the first layer with sugar, then distribute the second layer, and again sugar. Repeat the layers one by one until the ingredients come to an end. Cover the container and leave for a period of time up to a day (but not less than 4 hours), so that the fruit is allowed to juice. After, if you prefer a more liquid jam, pour a half liter of water to the apricots, otherwise immediately place the saucepan on the stove and allow the jam to boil. Cook it for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Repeat the procedure three times, each time bringing apricot jam "Pyatiminutka" to a boil and cooling in between. During periods of boiling, remove from the surface of the foam, and after the final five minutes, pour more bubbling syrup over the jars and roll them with scalded lids. Before storage, apricot jam "Pyatiminutka" slices should be completely cooled at room temperature.

How quickly to cook apricot jam for 5 minutes?

Rapid preparation of apricot jam by the same technique is also possible, for this half of the fruit without pits should be covered with sugar in a proportion of 4: 1. In addition to the sugar in the composition of the future jam, you can include not ground cinnamon, buckwheat or cloves. Leave the apricots for 12 hours, then bring the jam to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, remove from heat and immediately pour over sterile jars .