Mildronate intramuscularly

Mildronate - a drug that is prescribed to patients with a variety of ailments. Its properties are such that they can be used in dozens of cases. This is a universal drug that accelerates metabolism at the cellular level, which allows you to recover faster after any damage and disease. It is thanks to this effect that mildronate in bodybuilding is so popular: after all, the faster the organism is restored, the more vivid results can be obtained during the next training session.

Mildronate: indications for use

As already mentioned above, Mildronate can be used in a variety of cases. As a rule, it is prescribed for those who suffer from heart or vessel diseases, as well as in cases of cerebral circulation disorders.

In addition, Mildronate is recommended for taking with reduced performance, after strong physical or mental overstrain, during the postoperative period and in case of some problems with the retinal veins.

Mildronat gained a special popularity in the sports field - they are enjoying with pleasure both weightlifters and other athletes. By the way, the drug is not doping, so its use in any sport is legal. Thanks to Mildronat, your body will be able to recover after heavy loads, due to which the sports results will be higher and higher. The main thing is to observe recommended dosages and intake courses, as long-term use develops addiction and the drug loses its effectiveness.

How to take Mildronate?

To date, pharmacies can find Mildronate, available in one of two possible forms: either in capsules for oral administration, or in ampoules for intravenous administration. It is proved that the drug, administered intravenously, is much more effective than ingestion inside the capsules (the effectiveness increases approximately 2-fold). The instructions to the drug indicate that it can also be administered parabulbar - that is, by injecting it under the eyeball.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to prick Mildronate intramuscularly, and not intravenously. Proceeding from the fact that the instructions to this drug do not specify the opposite, this method of administration is possible. However, since it was not provided by the manufacturer, there is a possibility that its effectiveness will be reduced and approximately equal to that which can be obtained by taking the capsules inside. Moreover, the official site of the drug contains information that it is intramuscularly dangerous to use it, because it acts irritatingly and can lead to local pain sensations and allergic reactions.

Thus, considering the possibility of intramuscular injection of Mildronate, you should, first of all, rely on your doctor's advice and common sense. Uncontrolled actions in this case can be very dangerous for your health! Depart from the instructions given by the manufacturer drug is not recommended.

Mildronate: Dosage

Athletes Mildronate appoint, as a rule, to apply directly before training to 0.5-1 g orally 2 times a day. The course during the competition can last 10-14 days, and during the preparation period - 2-3 weeks.

Mildronate and alcohol

Like any other drug, Mildronate is not allowed to be consumed with alcohol. His instruction contains information that it is recommended to use it for complex treatment of people with alcoholism, but this need not be done directly on the day of alcohol intake.