
Thymus gland (thymus) refers to the main organs of the immune system and, at the same time, is the gland of internal secretion. Thus, the thymus is a kind of switch between the endocrine (hormonal) and the immune (protective) system of man.

Thymus functions

The thymus gland performs three major functions for maintaining human life: endocrine, immunoregulatory and lymphopoietic (production of lymphocytes). In the thymus, the maturation of the T cells of our immune system occurs. In simple terms, the main function of the thymus is the destruction of autoaggressive immune cells that attack healthy cells of their own organism. This selection and destruction of parasitic cells takes place at an early stage of maturation of T cells. In addition, the thymus gland filters blood and lymph flow through it. Any violations in the functioning of the thymus gland lead to the development of autoimmune and oncological diseases, as well as to a high susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Location of thymus gland

The thymus gland is located in the upper part of the human thorax. The thymus is formed at the 6th week of intrauterine development of the fetus. The size of the thymus gland in children is much higher than in adults. In the early days of human life, the thymus is responsible for the production of lymphocytes (white blood cells). The growth of the thymus gland lasts up to 15 years, and after, the thymus develops in reverse. Over time, there comes a period of age involution - glandular tissue of the thymus is replaced by fat and connective. This happens already in old age. That is why, with age, people are exposed to oncological and autoimmune diseases, much more often.

Disturbing symptoms

A significant increase in the size of the thymus gland is a signal that violations occur in its functioning. Doctors have long argued about whether a slight increase in the size of the thymus is considered pathology. To date, in the absence of obvious signs of the disease, small changes in the size of the thymus gland - which are visible only on ultrasound - are considered the norm.

If a newborn or child under the age of 10 significantly increased thymus gland, then an urgent examination is necessary. The increased size of the thymus in children is called thymomegaly. The biological essence of this disease is not yet clearly defined. Children with symptoms of thymomegaly are considered a separate risk group. These children are more prone to infectious, viral and autoimmune diseases than others. Timomegaly can be congenital or acquired, and include a whole complex of diseases.

That is why it is very important to consult a doctor for any symptoms of a thymus gland failure. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, an X-ray examination and ultrasound of the thymus are necessary.

To prevent diseases of the thymus gland in children, a healthy, vitamin-rich, balanced diet and fresh air are needed. Very good influence on the child's health outdoor games on the street. Naturally, high activity should be replaced by a full rest.

To treat diseases of the thymus in adults, the same methods are used as for children. Given the individual characteristics of the human body, the doctor prescribes treatment that includes both medicines and herbal preparations. Responsible treatment and a healthy lifestyle will help everyone get rid of the diseases in the shortest possible time.