How to restore immunity?

Immunity is the ability of the body to resist the effects of microbes and foreign bodies. However, often the human body weakens, which raises the question of how to restore immunity and restore to it the previous capacity for work, lost in connection with the diseases.

How to restore immunity after antibiotics?

It is known that as a result of prolonged antibiotic therapy, immunity can decrease by 75%. The microflora living in our body provides protective functions. The intake of antibiotics reduces the number of beneficial bacteria. Quite often after a two-week treatment, it is necessary to return the normal working capacity of the body for months. Return the normal content of beneficial bacteria that contribute to the restoration of the immune system, the following recommendations will help:

  1. To cope with a dysbacteriosis it is possible, using a day on a glass of kefir and other sour-milk products.
  2. To normalize the digestive process, it is recommended to replace the included in the diet of bread with bran, replacing the usual.
  3. Restore immunity is also possible with the help of immunostimulating drugs, which can appoint a doctor.
  4. It is also important to fill your menu with vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and B vitamins . To do this, you need to consume sea kale, dog rose, vegetables and fruits.

How to restore immunity after chemotherapy?

The body and its protective functions suffer as a result of chemotherapy. You can bring it back to normal with healthy food. You need to include fresh fruits and vegetables, especially pomegranate and apples, juices of red fruits and vegetables.

To restore red blood cells should eat iron-rich foods, namely salmon, buckwheat, yolks, leafy vegetables.

Another way to restore immunity quickly, involves the use of decoctions:

In the treatment it is important to exclude from the diet animal fats and alcohol.

How to restore immunity with folk remedies?

You can improve the condition by resorting to effective recipes.

For elimination of a dysbacteriosis drink on an empty stomach such agent:

  1. Chamomile, parsley, dill, chopped onions (each ingredient per spoon) and two cloves of garlic are poured with boiling water.
  2. After insisting, mix the formula with kefir (half a liter).
  3. After twenty minutes, drink a glass.

It will be useful to use this mixture before bed: garlic (3 cloves) is rubbed with a small root of ginger, a spoonful of cinnamon and a glass of honey.