Recipes for Adjika

Preparation at home of Adjika - a national Abkhaz dish, under the power of any hostess. Home Adjika is different in that it can put your favorite ingredients and seasonings. Each hostess uses her favorite recipe for cooking home-made Adzhika , and we'll look at the most popular recipes that make it possible to make a home-made adzhika.

Recipe for Abkhazian acute adzhika

To prepare Abkhazia Adjika at home, the following ingredients are needed: 1 kilogram of hot red pepper, 500 grams of garlic and fresh cilantro, 20 grams of fresh dill and basil, salt. The real Abkhaz adzhika is cooked without tomatoes and without dry seasonings. This includes only fresh herbs and vegetables. If you cook Adjika in Abkhazian style, vegetables should be rubbed between two special flat stones. But, as a rule, modern women use a meat grinder. Pepper and garlic must be washed and cleaned, greens - rinsed, dried and peeled. After that, all the ingredients must be mixed and passed through a meat grinder. If after the meat grinder, the mixture turned out to be non-uniform, then the procedure must be repeated. After a homogeneous mass is obtained, salt should be added. The Abkhaz add a lot of salt to the adzhika. Follow their recommendations are optional, if too salty dishes you do not like. To get a measure of salt adzhika will need about 1/2 cup of salt. After that adzhika should be spread over the banks and stored for 3 days in the cold. After 3 days all the ingredients are sufficiently salted and mixed. The Abkhaz Adzhika turns out to be sharp enough and spicy, and it fits perfectly with many meat dishes.

Recipe for Georgian Adjika

The recipe for Georgian Adzhika is different from the Abkhaz supplementary ingredients: walnuts, hops-suneli, saffron. Like the Abkhazian, Georgian Adzhika, in fact, is raw, as it does not require cooking vegetables. In addition, the recipe for raw Georgian Adzhika contains less salt than the recipe for Abkhazian Adzhika. To taste this snack is less spicy and salty.

Recipe for Adjika from tomato

There is also a less traditional, but more familiar on our table recipe adzhiki. To make a tomato adzhik you need: 3 kilograms of tomatoes, 1 kilogram of sweet pepper, apples and carrots, 200 grams of garlic, 100 grams of hot red pepper, 1 glass of sugar, sunflower oil and vinegar, salt. All vegetables and fruits must be washed, cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. After this, the resulting mass is transferred to a kettle and boiled in its own juice for 1 hour. Garlic should be passed through the press, mixed with sugar, vinegar and sunflower oil. Add the resulting mixture to boiling vegetables and cook for another 15 minutes. After that adzhika needs to be poured over cans and put in a cold place. This recipe adzhiki is widely used for blanks for the winter. It so happened that modern housewives prefer to supplement any recipes with their favorite ingredients. A recipe for preparation of Adzhika with horseradish is widely distributed . Often there is adzhika with carrots, onions, aubergines and even fruits. All these additions, of course, significantly change the taste of the real Adzhika, but do not spoil it. If you prefer sweet adzhika - add sweet sweet pepper, apples and sugar to this dish. If you add eggplants, zucchini and other vegetables to the adjika, it will turn out to be very satisfying. Traditional Abkhaz adzhika is too spicy and salty, and many such dish is not to taste. Such a spicy seasoning can be used as a basis for a variety of sauces and snacks.

Before you do Adzhika, you need to wear gloves, because hot pepper can corrode the skin. Also, it should be remembered that getting red pepper in the eyes is very dangerous.