How to care for violets in winter?

The question of what should be the right care for violets in winter, is of interest to many plant lovers. After all, it depends on how they will bloom in the warm season. Consider a few simple rules on how to care for violets in winter.

An important point here is the temperature in the house. For violets, the usual room temperature is quite acceptable, but remember the following. The two enemies of violets in winter are the cold from the window, and the dry air from the batteries. To cope with the first you will help warm the sill with, for example, a thick layer of paper or polystyrene, and against the second will help zaveshivanie batteries with a dense cloth. Violets like moist air, so you can sometimes wet the cloth that you close the batteries with water.

A few words about watering

The health of your violets also depends on how you water them in the winter. There are two options for watering violets in winter:

Important is how often you water the violets in winter. In winter, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering, and do this only when the upper part of the earth dries well.

Many gardeners are wondering if the violet can bloom in the winter. Here it is worth noting that the care of this plant in winter should include rest from flowering. In winter, for a full flowering violet does not have enough light day, so it's worth to arrange a break for it so that in the spring it blossomed with new strength.

Simple rules

In conclusion, I would like to collect a brief summary of how to keep the violet in the winter:

Observing all these simple rules for caring for violets in winter, you will long enjoy its lush and bright blossoms.