Decoding of the blood test in children - table

Seeking medical help, we always get a referral for tests, and one of them is a general blood test.

It should be known that the norms of the presence of constituent blood, which are investigated during the analysis, as well as their relationship, are very conditional. These figures will not tell you anything if you are far from medicine, especially since they can change under the influence of taking medications, performing operations, etc. Therefore, to decipher a general or detailed analysis of the blood in children, with or without a formula, you should only treat your doctor , who sees the whole "picture" of the disease.

Results of a general blood test - decoding in children

But any parent will be useful to know about how the blood test is deciphered, and to know this terminology.

Norms of blood cells in children (for different ages) you see in the table of its general clinical analysis, and their interpretation is as follows.

The main criteria are:

The reasons for the deviation from the norm differ for each indicator - for example, too much red blood cells mean too much blood (and this is a risk of thrombosis), and their lack - the oxygen starvation of the body.

In addition to the general analysis of blood in children, sometimes biochemical - its decoding is given at the bottom of the table:

It should be noted that the norms of indicators depend on the age of the child and on the individuality of his organism. Deciphering the detailed analysis of blood in children should be done by an experienced doctor, but Mom should know all the basic nuances.