The baby has a big belly

Many mothers will agree that their children in the first years of life are a little plump. But some children bulge their tummy. Among the townsfolk this is considered quite normal. But sometimes parents are worried about a big "puziko" from their beloved child. Despite all the assurances of grandmothers, moms and dads are often inclined to think that this is evidence of pathological phenomena. So why does the baby have a big belly? When is it normal, and when is it a consequence of the disease? Let's figure it out.


Large abdomen of a newborn

A small swelling of the tummy in a newborn is considered quite natural. The fact is that his abdominal muscles and walls are weak. In addition, the size of the abdomen is due to a disproportionately large liver of the newborn. The imperfection of the gastro-nutritional tract of crumbs leads to the appearance of intestinal colic, flatulence and bloating in the first months of his life.

However, an excessively large belly in a child can talk about serious health problems. Usually, the cause of an increased size of a child's poozy are congenital anomalies. It can be polycystic kidney disease, cirrhosis of the liver, fetal ascites, intestinal obstruction and some others. Usually, doctors in the maternity hospital immediately diagnose pathologies associated with the large size of the newborn's abdomen.

Large abdomen in infants and older

The plump forms of a child under the age of three are not necessarily cause for concern. The tummy especially increases after eating or liquid, overfeeding. Usually by the age of three the baby is stretched, his muscles are strengthened, and the abdomen disappears.

But if you observe a bloated stomach in a crumb, or as it is called "froggy", "toad", it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. One of the most common causes of a large abdomen in a one-year-old baby is rickets. This is called a violation of the phosphorus-calcium balance due to a shortage of vitamin D, resulting in poor formation and growth of bones. Influence is also on the muscles of the child: muscle weakness develops - hypotension. That is why when lying, the baby's stomach crawls apart, like a frog.

To the causes of a large abdomen in children include pancreatic disease, when the gastrointestinal tract lacks enzymes to digest food. A large belly in babies can also appear due to disruption of adrenal or liver function.

To exclude pathologies in the child, parents should consult a pediatrician and undergo an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.