Folk Remedies for Wrinkles

The older we get, the faster the years run, which, as you know, do not make us younger. No one can abolish the aging process, but every woman can make some age changes less visible. In this case, we are helped by popular means. The secrets of natural home creams and masks from aging are transmitted from generation to generation, because they have high efficiency. This article suggests recipes for home masks and other anti-wrinkle remedies.

How to remove wrinkles folk remedies

Despite the abundance of cosmetics on the shelves of shops, many women prefer exactly folk remedies for wrinkles. These funds are environmentally friendly and cheap, and the ingredients to them are easily accessible to everyone.

Folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes

Wrinkles under the eyes appear one of the first. They start with small mimic wrinkles and turn into visible wrinkles with age. One of the most effective folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes is a bread mask. For its preparation you need a crumb of white bread and melted warm butter. The crumb should be soaked in oil and applied to the skin around the eyes, evenly distributed. After 30 minutes, the mask can be rinsed off with warm water. Bread mask allows you to clean wrinkles at home, if it is applied regularly 2 times a week.

The recipe for home cream from wrinkles around the eyes. 1 teaspoon dried chamomile should be mixed with a teaspoon dried linden and pour 100 grams of boiling water. After 20 minutes the infusion should be filtered, add 1 tablespoon of butter and mix thoroughly. The resulting cream should be applied around the eyes daily before bedtime. Store the unused cream in the refrigerator, but no more than 5 days.

Folk remedies for wrinkles on the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead appear absolutely in all women. They are rough folds. Wrinkles on the forehead can be made less visible, and also, delay the time of their appearance.

To the effective folk masks from wrinkles on the forehead is a yeast mask. The yeast contains a large amount of vitamin B, which tones up our skin. To prepare the mask yeast should be well kneaded, adding milk to them. Homogeneous creamy mass should be applied for 20 minutes 2 times a week in those places where wrinkles pass. Thus, you can smooth the skin and make the existing wrinkles less noticeable.

Home remedy for wrinkles on the forehead can be prepared from various vegetables. In particular, one of the simplest folk remedies against wrinkles is beans. Beans should be boiled, grated, add a little lemon juice to it and put on wrinkles. To remove wrinkles at home, you can in a relatively short time - 1-2 months, if you regularly apply the mask - 2 times a week.

Folk remedies for facial wrinkles

Mimic wrinkles can appear even in childhood and for a long time do not cause any concern with their presence. But the older a woman becomes, the deeper and more noticeable these wrinkles become. Traditional medicine suggests using natural oils from facial wrinkles. You can use essential oil (cedar, orange, sandalwood) or olive oil. The oil should be applied to the wrinkle and left overnight or washed off after 30-40 minutes.

Among all the variety of folk recipes for wrinkles, each woman should choose the most effective and pleasant to use means specifically for herself. Then you can count on the maximum effect in the fight against wrinkles.