Herpes of the 6th type in children

Usually parents think that herpes are bubble rashes on the lips and near the mouth. However, its present form - the virus of herpes simplex type 6 - causes diseases that for modern domestic pediatricians is a problem of little studied, but therefore no less relevant.

This virus belongs to the family of herpesviruses. The main way to transmit type 6 herpes in children is saliva (usually through kisses or infected tonsils). It is also possible to transmit the virus to the child from the mother (for example, when passing through the birth canal).

Primary infection with type 6 herpes is common in children under 3 years of age. It is then that the disease has a latent form. When there are provoking factors (for example, a decrease in immunity after a disease or stress, or the cessation of breastfeeding), the virus becomes more active.

Herpes virus type 6: symptoms

The incubation period from the moment of infection is, as a rule, 7-14 days. The disease has two main forms: fever without rash and exanthema, or roseola. The latter is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature (up to 39.5-40.5 ° C). It lasts for three, less than five days. Some babies have lymph nodes. Rarely there is a runny nose without purulent discharge, as well as hyperemia of the throat. After reducing the heat within a day, a reddish-pink rash appears on the child's body. Eruptions are uneven, small and spotty elements occur. The rash first appears on the back, and then on the abdomen, neck, behind the ears and on the limbs. During the illness the child behaves actively, he has an appetite. Sometimes the rash is confused with rubella, measles or an allergic reaction. Usually, after two days, the rashes are over, but the areas with scaling and pigmentation remain on the skin. Soon they disappear without a trace.

Another form of the virus is manifested by the appearance of acute fever, with no rash.

If we talk about herpes of type 6, what is the danger of this virus, what makes it an actual problem of pediatrics? The fact is, a very high temperature can lead to febrile seizures. This is the name of the reaction of the child's organism in the form of loss of consciousness, rolling of the eyes, involuntary contraction and twitching of the muscles. Seizures may further provoke the development of epilepsy. In rare cases, the primary infection is complicated by pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis and myocarditis.

Herpes of the 6th type: treatment

When the symptoms described above, the child should be shown to the doctor. It is the pediatrician who can make the correct diagnosis, although it can be difficult for specialists to identify the disease.

Complex medical therapy is shown. Antiviral drugs must be prescribed. In the treatment of the primary manifestation of herpes of type 6, the foscarnet drug proved to be quite good. Also used drugs such as ganciclovir, lobucavir, adefovir and cidofovir. Dosage is appointed by the attending physician in accordance with the patient's age.

Prescribed drugs to relieve symptoms. The temperature is brought down with the help of antipyretics based on ibuprofen (panadol) or paracetamol (nurofen, cefecon), in the form of rectal suppositories or syrups. To prevent dehydration of the child's organism, a drinking regime is necessary (berry and fruit compotes, dried fruit juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas).

Since the rash does not bother the child, and there is no danger of infecting the combed elements, no special treatment is required. To speed up the recovery process, the sick kid is prescribed vitamins.

Once having had herpes virus of the 6th type, the child acquires a permanent immunity.