Open form of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a danger not only for a person infected with mycobacteria, but also for all his loved ones. The open form of tuberculosis almost always leads to infection of other persons, therefore, when a disease is detected, urgent hospitalization in a specialized institution is necessary.

How is open tuberculosis transmitted?

The open form of tuberculosis is transmitted by airborne droplets and through general household items. The tubercle bacillus is acid-fast, not afraid of disinfection, and in the form of dry sputum can exist for a very long time, and then get into the body of another person along with the dust. Therefore, in the room where a patient with an open form of tuberculosis lived, all cleaning procedures should be performed in a respirator, and it is better to use the services of specialists.

After the tubercle bacillus entered the body, the disease does not develop immediately. It can be divided into the following phases:

Symptoms of an open form of tuberculosis

The incubation period of open tuberculosis is asymptomatic and usually is 3-4 months. This period can be shorter under conditions favorable for bacteria, and last for years in a healthy person who leads a correct lifestyle and who eats well.

An allergic reaction occurs when the body begins to fight bacteria, then the products of their vital activity cause intoxication. This means that the immunity is so weak that the resistance is broken. Primary tuberculosis begins, which primarily covers the lymph nodes. At this stage, the patient has symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection :

These are the main signs of an open form of tuberculosis, an accurate diagnosis can be established only after a detailed examination.

With secondary tuberculosis, the lesion covers the tissues of the alveoli of the lungs and bronchi, the person becomes not only a carrier, but also a spreader of the disease. Of course, only if it comes to its open form. It is characterized by the presence of mycobacteria in sputum, expectorated by coughing.

From this moment the isolation of the patient begins with the subsequent treatment in a hospital of a tuberculosis dispensary. Possible complete cure with the proper selection of antibiotics and chemotherapy. To date, mortality from tuberculosis has declined significantly and is less than 20% of the total number of all cases.