Definition of pregnancy with iodine

To date, no one can be surprised by the instant ways of establishing a pregnancy. Counters are literally full of various inkjet, cassette, reusable and electronic pregnancy tests . This situation was not always observed, but at all times women sought to find out whether they were in the situation or not as early as possible. Different peoples had different methods of establishing fertilization, some of which do not lose their relevance to this day. One of those is the definition of pregnancy with the help of iodine, which is used rather out of curiosity than as needed.

This medicine is available to every person, it is easily accessible, safe and can act as a kind of litmus test. So why not try to find out how accurate and wise were the interpretations of our ancestors?

In fact, there are two ways to determine pregnancy with iodine. Both of them are not complicated, but even entertaining. So:

  1. It is necessary to wet a piece of paper with your urine, after which one or two drops of iodine drip onto it. If in the process of carrying out such a test with iodine on pregnancy, the medicine did not change its color, but remained brown or turned blue, then there is no point in talking about fertilization. The urine of women who are in an "interesting position", reacting with the iodine solution, acquires a purple or lilac color.
  2. The second option, how to determine pregnancy with iodine, is as follows: you need to take a container with an upwardly extending neck (for example, a plastic cup), collect urine in it and drop one drop of iodine solution. If it starts to blur, then the pregnancy does not occur, which can not be said about the option when the drop lingered on the surface of the liquid in the form of a stain.

The subtleties of how to correctly make a test with iodine

It is worth noting that it is possible to evaluate the results of such an experiment only if it was made according to all the requirements. For example:

When can I apply iodine to determine pregnancy?

Among people there is an opinion that this method is relevant only up to the 10th week of gestation and "works" only if the urine is fresh and collected in the morning. However, very few people completely trust this test. If you ask about the testimonials about the pregnancy test with iodine, most of the women who conducted it for the sake of experiment on their relatives and even animals received positive results. And others assure the exceptional accuracy and reliability of the method.

Of course, no diagnostic load of folk pregnancy tests with iodine, can not be carried in any case. More or less accurate results are provided by pharmacy express tests, which provide presumptive data, which is a guide to action. The main, and the most effective method, is going to the obstetrician, examination on the gynecological chair and a blood test for pregnancy . However, when there is not enough patience, or simply there is no way to get to a pharmacy or a polyclinic right now, you can use the test with iodine, but you do not need to count on a 100% correct result.