Sensations in the abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy

The first weeks of pregnancy are usually the heaviest. Especially if this pregnancy is the first, and all the sensations for you are new and unfamiliar. Any discomfort in the abdomen gives rise to fear and panic. You do not know who to call, where to run and what to do. Familiar? Then let's understand together.

Why does the stomach pull in early pregnancy?

At the very beginning of pregnancy a woman can feel how the lower abdomen pulls to the right and left. These sensations are very similar to premenstrual syndrome. And it is they who often mislead a woman, because she thinks that she is not at all pregnant, and she is about to start her period. The nature of these pulling sensations is the softening of the ligaments under the influence of hormones, as well as the increase in the size of the uterus.

Sometimes women complain that they have a stomach ache at the beginning of pregnancy. Such aching pains are caused by the same softening and stretching of the ligaments, and, albeit insignificant, the growth of the tummy.

In addition to what has already been said, abdominal pain in early pregnancy can be caused by flatulence (increased gas production). This absolutely does not need to be embarrassed, bloating at the beginning of pregnancy is familiar, probably, to every woman. Its appearance is due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the intestine, and, accordingly, a violation of the latter.

How to deal with bloating in early pregnancy?

Until the size of the uterus and fetus is still very large, and the pressure exerted on the intestine is not strong, the appearance of flatulence and discomfort caused by it can be affected. The main method of influence is correcting the nutrition of the pregnant woman. Do not eat heavy foods for digestion. Less fried, fatty, more easily assimilated and useful, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach will necessarily go away.

What to do if pulling the stomach at the beginning of pregnancy?

To begin with, we note that pregnant women tend to constantly listen to their feelings, so as not to miss something important. And even if the stomach does not hurt much, then at the beginning of pregnancy a woman will notice this. While in the ordinary state, most likely, not even pay attention to it.

Noticing any unusual sensations during pregnancy, a woman on the one hand allows the doctor to react quickly if the cause of the anxiety is not in vain. But on the other hand adds an already impressionable pregnant additional experiences. Therefore, first of all you should think about whether these feelings of abdominal pain at the beginning of pregnancy are really unusual, or has this happened to you before, but you could simply not focus on them?

In addition, you should learn to distinguish between pain associated with pregnancy and uterine growth and changes in the position of the organs, as well as pain in the stomach, liver, gallbladder, intestines, etc. But this does not mean that the second group of factors should not be taken into account for its secondary importance. They are also very important for the health of the future mother and baby, but finding out their cause is not an urgent matter.

When should I see a doctor?

Let's list the cases when with unpleasant sensations in the abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy you need to contact the doctor:

  1. If you feel that discomfort does not go away, but only intensifies, and the pain itself seems suspicious to you;
  2. If the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina;
  3. If you have pain on the background of the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Note that in the last two cases you need to immediately go to bed and call a doctor or an ambulance!