How many weeks does pregnancy last?

Learning that she is in position, every woman immediately begins to wonder about how many weeks the pregnancy lasts, and when she can take her baby in her arms. Unfortunately, it is beyond the power of anyone to establish the exact day and hour of his birth. It is possible that your calculations or calculations of an obstetrician will be correct, but it will be more luck than a rule.

The main obstacle to finding out the duration of pregnancy of a particular patient is that there is no way to establish an exact day of conception or fertilization. As well as to know at what speed the sperm will "chase" the egg when it fertilizes it, and the embryo is implanted in the uterus and will make itself felt by its growth and development. To study this process, it is necessary to allocate a lot of time for each pregnant woman. So, the midwives developed a certain "golden mean" of how many weeks a normal pregnancy lasts.

Scientists have found that in most cases, approximately 70-80%, from fertilization to the moment of the beginning of the resolution of the burden, 38 weeks or 266 days pass. This is where the difficulties arose, because almost all women do not know the day when they had conception or ovulation. The only thing that pops up in the memory on this account is when they started the last month. So it was decided that this date will be the starting point for calculating the duration of pregnancy in women. According to this theory, the gestation period lasts 280 days or 40 weeks.

However, in this method, too, there is a correction: since with the onset of menstruation, there can not be any speech at all, the term obtained in this way was decided to be called menstrual, because the age of the fetus is at least 2 weeks shorter than it was calculated.

How to calculate the duration of pregnancy?

Usually the moment of ovulation occurs two weeks after the end of menstruation. So it turns out that from the accepted 280 days it is necessary to take away these 14, during which conception is simply impossible. So it turns out that the gestation lasts 266 days. Again, do not lose sight of the individuality of each woman, thanks to which ovulation may come earlier or be late.

That is why the duration of pregnancy in women, which is normal, ranges from 32 to 34 weeks. Although recently these frameworks have shifted somewhat and acquired the value of 37-43 weeks. So it turns out that all mathematical calculations are purely approximate and can not specify the date of the child's appearance.

What can change the duration of pregnancy in weeks?

The duration of the "interesting position" can be influenced by the following factors:

If you are constantly harassed by problems related to how many obstetric weeks pregnancy lasts, and whether you bring out the baby in time, then you should not do independent calculations and even pull your mind even more. This event does not depend on you, but is completely conditioned by the ongoing natural processes. During the average duration of pregnancy, it is worth enjoying your new position, listening to the child's movements and following the doctor's instructions. This will ensure that the baby will appear at the right time.