Diet with a cyst of the liver

Doctors have repeatedly said that various diseases of the liver are more likely to persecute those people who love too fatty and sweet food, so it is advised to give it to everyone who cares about their health. Well, those who already have a cyst of the liver , you need not only treatment, but also a diet.

Diet with cyst of liver and kidneys

Observing a diet with a cyst of the liver, you will get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease much quicker. The diet in this case is based on the following principles:

  1. Caloric content of a daily diet should not exceed 3 000 Kcal.
  2. In a day there should be at least 5-6 meals, portions in this case do not exceed 100-150 g.
  3. The basis of nutrition is easily digestible protein, the content of fats and carbohydrates is determined by the doctor based on the state of human health and its individual characteristics.

Almost all who have liver cysts are allowed to eat porridge, pasta, soups on vegetable broth, sour-milk products with fat content up to 5%, honey, not sour berries and fruits. Of course, only a doctor can determine the exact list of the diet allowed for a person with a liver cyst, so be sure to consult him. Some patients are allowed to eat meat and fish of low-fat varieties and steam cutlets, but the decision to enter the menu of additional dishes can only be specialist, otherwise the disease may worsen.

It is important to know that categorically it is forbidden to eat fatty fish, smoked meat, mayonnaise and other sauces, fresh pastries, fried pies, chocolate, cakes and cakes with cream, ice cream. To exclude these products is necessary completely, even a small piece can cause an exacerbation and lead to the fact that it will be urgent to call a doctor, or even completely to go to the hospital.