Degree of cleanliness of the smear 3

3 degree of purity of the swab taken from the genital organs of a woman, indicates the development of pathological processes in the reproductive system. This state of the body requires medical correction. Consider the violation in more detail, we will establish: what treatment is prescribed for the third degree of purity of the vagina, determined by the results of the smear.

What is characterized by such a violation?

It is worth noting that with this state of the female reproductive system, it is noted:

In this case, the woman notes the appearance of symptoms in the form of itching, burning, discharge with odor, changed color.

How is treatment carried out?

Having told about the meaning of the 3 degree of purity in the conclusion after taking the smear, we will consider the peculiarities of therapy, and also we will find out how to treat such a violation.

First and foremost, doctors determine the causative agent - the highest content of pathological microorganisms in the smear. The most common are pathogens such as gardnerella, trichomonas, gonococcus.

Treatment of these disorders is not without antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs that are applied topically: suppositories Vokadin, Pimafucin, Terzhistan, Genalgin. As a rule, therapy is carried out in a complex way, and includes:

With regard to dosages, the frequency of application and the duration of treatment, they are set individually. In this case, the woman must strictly follow the medical recommendations, instructions. Only then can we expect a quick recovery.