Salad with chicken and tomatoes

Now we will tell you different options for preparing a salad with chicken and tomatoes. Each of them is tasty and original in its own way. We are sure you will find an option for yourself.

Salad with smoked chicken with tomatoes



First we disassemble the chicken breast into fibers, then three on the grater cheese, and cut the tomatoes into large cubes. Nuts a little grind. We connect all the ingredients, add sour cream, mix, if necessary, then salt to taste. On top of the salad with smoked chicken , cheese and tomatoes sprinkle with poppy seeds.

Salad with chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese



Onion cut into half rings and lightly fry in vegetable oil, then add the mushrooms, cut into slices, salt and fry them until the liquid evaporates. Chicken breast is cut into oblong pieces along the fibers. Salad we lay layers in this sequence, lubricating each layer with mayonnaise: chicken, mushrooms with onions, hard cheese, grated on a large grater, tomatoes, cut into strips. By the way, for salad with chicken, tomatoes and tomato mushrooms it is advisable to choose hard varieties to make them more fleshy, rather than watery. Well suited for this variety "Cream".

Salad with chicken, tomatoes, cheese and eggs



First you need to pickle onions. To do this, cut it lightly, sprinkle with salt and black pepper, and then add lemon juice. Leave for about half an hour. In the meantime, we are preparing the rest of the ingredients. We cut boiled chicken fillet into cubes. We boiled eggs hard on a small grater. Tomatoes are cut into small cubes, the resulting liquid is drained. We rub the cheese on a small grater. Now we start to collect the salad, spreading the ingredients in layers, and spreading them with mayonnaise in this order: chicken, marinated onions, eggs, tomatoes, cheese. On top of the salad with chicken, tomatoes and eggs can be decorated with branches of greenery and cubes of tomatoes.

Salad with chicken, tomatoes and pepper



Boil the chicken breast until cooked and cool. Pepper is cleared from the core and cut into thin strips. Tomatoes and chicken cut into cubes. We cut the leeks with rings. We chop the parsley, and basil we rip your hands on small pieces. We combine all the ingredients, salt the salad to taste and season with olive oil.

Salad with chicken, cheese, tomatoes and croutons



Chicken fillet cut into cubes about the size of 1x1 cm and fry in vegetable oil until a light ruddy crust, salt and pepper add to taste. Baton cut into cubes about the same size as the chicken. Pour about 20 ml of vegetable oil on a frying pan and fry the loaf on it. We rub the cheese on a small grater. Now we are preparing the gas station. To do this, boiled egg yolks of chicken eggs grinded with mustard, add lemon juice, mix, and then gradually introduce vegetable oil. It should be about 80 ml. In the dressing to taste, add salt and pepper, passed through the garlic press. All is well mixed. On a large flat dish lay out lettuce leaves, chicken, diced tomatoes and quail eggs, cut into slices. On top of a light salad with chicken , cheese, eggs and tomatoes, pour the dressing, lay out the crackers and all this is covered with cheese.