Colposcopy of the cervix - how is it performed?

Colposcopy of the cervix is ​​a study performed with the help of a colposcope. First of all, the vulvar mucosa and the cervix of the uterus near the vagina are studied. The procedure helps to identify minimal mucosal disorders. Today we will tell you how colposcopy of the cervix is ​​performed and in what cases it is necessary.

Types of colposcopy

Colposcopy of the cervix is ​​divided into several types:

  1. A simple colposcopy of the uterus - for a better view, the doctor examines a special gynecological mirror and colposcope.
  2. Extended colposcopy , when before the procedure the mucous membrane of the uterus is treated with a solution of acetic acid (3-5%) and Lugol. This method allows you to clearly identify the lesions: the mucosa becomes brown, and the defective areas - white. In rare cases, iodine is taken to identify the negative zone in colposcopy. Then the affected area is not stained, unlike healthy tissues.
  3. Color - a similar procedure, but use solutions that color the cervix in green or blue. This method provides a more detailed study of the lesion and vascular mesh.
  4. Luminescent colposcopy - for detecting cancer cells. Colposcopy is performed as soon as the cervix is ​​treated with fluorochromes. During the examination, the doctor uses UV rays. As a result, cancerous tissues have an easily noticeable pink glow.
  5. Digital colposcopy - with the use of digital equipment, which allows you to increase tissue 50 times. The picture is displayed on the screen of the monitor, so that it becomes possible to study the seen more thoroughly.

Indications for conduction

Each woman should once a year do colposcopy for prevention. Also, the procedure is a necessary study in the detection of any gynecological diseases and suspicious areas.

Colposcopy effectively identifies many diseases of the cervix, including:

Preparation for colposcopy and methods of conducting

This study has no contraindications, it is absolutely safe and painless. Before it is carried out, doctors recommend not using vaginal candles and creams, not having sex for 2 weeks. Special preparation for colposcopy of the cervix is ​​not required.

First, a woman needs to sit down on a gynecological chair. Then the gynecologist expands the vagina with a special instrument and examines the mirror and colposcope. If necessary, the mucosa is treated with a solution, after which the examination is repeated. For a more detailed analysis, it may be necessary to take a piece of tissue for a biopsy.

What does colposcopy show?

Through this study, you can:

On what day of the cycle is colposcopy performed?

A specific day of the cycle does not exist for the procedure. Optimum are considered the first 2-3 days after the end of menstruation. Colposcopy during menstruation is not carried out. At pregnant women it is possible at any time. And on the health of the baby and mother is not affected.


For several days it is necessary to wear hygiene pads, because the procedure causes specific discharge or slight bleeding. This is considered the norm.

However, in the presence of blood discharge after colposcopy it is impossible: