God of the Slavs Perun

Perun - God of the Slavs, responsible for thunder and military valor. He was a significant figure in mythology, and called him the patron saint of the prince and his retinue. His parents - Lada and Svarog , and still have an older brother Simarglom. Perun is associated with many different legends, which often contradict each other.

God Perun and His Symbols

His name comes from the word "perun", which means "to strike, to strike." According to the legend, on the day that Perun was born, the whole sky was covered by lightning and thunder rolled everywhere. From his father he passed the ability to own any kind of weapons, and he was also a master of blacksmithing. Slavic God Perun was a tall, stately warrior with blond hair and blue eyes. The distinctive features include a red cloak, which, incidentally, after a while for the Slavs became a symbol of princes, and gold armor. Perun appeared on a bogatyr horse, and in his hands he held a hundred-dollar club, which was presented to him as a gift by his father. In some legends it is indicated that in battles he could use a shield and a spear.

Slavs celebrated the day of God Perun on June 20. At this time, men attending the beginning, took with them various types of weapons. On this day there was a so-called parade of soldiers, where songs were sung which Perun praised. They performed the sacrifice, and the blood from dead bulls and roosters was sanctified by weapons. Celebrations were held with various staged battles, and in the end the rook with gifts to Perun was set on fire. The warrior had to spend the night with a woman to win another victory.

The symbols and totems of the pagan God Perun for the Slavic people were of great importance. Idol was made from a large trunk of oak, on which the face of an elderly warrior and the main symbols and military attributes were carved. The most famous tree is the oak tree, located on the island of Khortitsa. Near him were various rituals and offered gifts to God. One of the famous signs of Perun is an ax or as it is also called an ax. They decorated it with various symbols, which had a special meaning. According to one version of "Secrets Perun" is a guard for the warrior. Another symbol is a blue iris. It was in the form of this flower that the temples for this Slavic God were equipped. Iris had six petals, which were supplemented by pits, where a sacred fire was burning. In the center of the flower was an idol and an altar. Perun is dedicated to one more plant - the flower of the fern. According to one of the legends on the night of Ivan Kupala, you can see how the fern blooms, it gave the person the opportunity to see hidden treasures. To see such a phenomenon is quite difficult, because a man was frightened by dark forces, and the flower was hidden by a fire-bird.

There is one more symbol, but about him, to be exact, his images, there are still disputes - the "Star of Perun". Amulets with this image are considered to be male. This symbol was applied to various objects, for example, embroidered on clothes or painted on shields. "The Star of Perun" was a defense for the soldiers, and it gave them strength and confidence in victory. That this symbol was interesting for excavations was found not only among the Slavs, but also among the Scandinavian and Celtic tribes. People believe that if you wear such a talisman, then a man can change his character for the better and acquire features that will be proud of relatives and friends. Women can also wear the "Star of Perun", but only in periods when it is necessary to make some choice or take a strong-willed decision. In order not to lose your courage, you should not wear such protections to the fair sex all the time. To activate the power of the amulet, it is necessary to keep it as far as possible with medals or other items related to army attributes. To establish a connection with the amulet, you need to read such a plot:

"Come - come, Perun,

Come - come, Grozny.

Z by the Perunovs,

Briskavitsami clear.

Earth consecrate thunder clapper,

In the Alatyr-Kamenya,

Carve out the fire - the light is on.

I'll go, Kolom Perunov closed,

From the fierce wail,

From the evil eye, let the tale of the disloyal.

To burn Fire from my soul.

The strength of the sorcerer ominayut me,

Dazhbozhogo grandson does not chapayut,

Bo force with me Perunova.

Perunichi - the hero of the mighty thunder,

They drive away the wolf,

Bliskavitsami pripelyayut.

Glory to the Gods of the Kindred and Ancestors

Bright! "

God's commandments of Perun

For the Slavs, the commandments played an important role, and they unquestioningly fulfilled them. They sound like this:

  1. Honor your parents, and keep them in old age for, as you will take care of them, so will your children care for you.
  2. Save the memory of all the Ancestors of your Child and your descendants will remember you.
  3. Protect the old and the small, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, for this is your kinsmen, the wisdom and the color of your peoples.
  4. Bring in your children the love of the Holy Land of the Race, so that they may not be enticed by miracles overseas, but they themselves could create miracles more wonderful and beautiful, and to the glory of the Holy Land.
  5. Do not perform miracles for your own good, but do wonders for the benefit of your kind and gender.
  6. Help your neighbor in his trouble, for trouble will come to you, and your neighbors will help you.
  7. Do good deeds, to the glory of your kindred and your ancestors, and beautify the protection from the Gods of your Light.
  8. Help to build the Temple and Sanctuaries in every way, preserve the Wisdom of God, Wisdom of the Ancients.
  9. Wash after your works your hands, for whoever does not wash his hands, he forfeits the power of God.
  10. Purify yourself in the waters of Iria, that the river flows in the Holy Land, to wash your body white, to sanctify it with God's power.
  11. Affirm on earth your Heavenly Law, which the Blessed Gods have given you.
  12. Read people's days rusal, observe God's feasts.
  13. Do not forget your gods, kindle to the glory of the Gods you are smoking and incense, and you will beautify the favor and mercy of your gods.
  14. Do not rebuke your neighbors, you live with them in peace and harmony.
  15. Do not humiliate the dignity of others, and your dignity will not be degraded.
  16. Do not trouble people of other faiths, for God the Creator is One over all the Earths and over all Worlds.
  17. Do not sell your land for gold and silver, for curses, you, will call upon you, and there will be no forgiveness for you all the days without a trace.
  18. Defend your land and defeat you with the right weapon of all enemies of the Race.
  19. Defend the Races of the Rassens and the Svyators from the Outlanders that go to your lands with evil intent and weapons.
  20. Do not boast of your strength, going to Branj, and boast with Paul Brani going out.
  21. Keep the Wisdom of God in secret, do not let Wisdom Secret you to the Gentiles.
  22. Do not convince those people who do not want to listen to you and listen to your words.
  23. Save your Temples and Sanctuaries from the defilement of the Gentiles, if you do not save the Holy Race and the Faith of your Ancestors, the years of sorrow and grievance with suffering will visit you.
  24. Whoever escapes from his land into a foreign land, in search of life easy, he is an apostate of his kind, but his kindness will not be forgiven him, for the Gods will turn away from him.
  25. Yes, you will not rejoice in the grief of a stranger, for one who is grieving for another's grief rejoices to himself.
  26. Do not bluff and do not laugh at those who love you, but you answer love with love and decorate the protection of your gods.
  27. Love your neighbor if he is worthy.
  28. Do not take a wife, the brother - his sister, and the son - his mother, for the Gods will provoke you and ruin the blood of the Family.
  29. Do not take wives with black skin, because desecrate the house and destroy your own Rod, but take your wives with the skin white, you will celebrate your home and continue your Rod.
  30. Do not wear the wives of men's apparel, for you lose your femininity, but wear your wife what you are supposed to.
  31. Nerushte the bonds of the Union of the Family, Gods sanctified, for against the law of God the Creator of the One go and lose your happiness.
  32. Let not the child be in the womb of the mother, for whoever kills a child in the womb will bring upon himself the wrath of God the Creator of the One. Love the wives of your husbands, for they are your protection and your support, and of all your kind.
  33. Do not drink a lot of drunk alcohol, know the measure of drinking, for who drinks a lot of intoxicates, loses the form of a human.