Cyst on the ovary - causes, treatment

Treatment of a gynecological pathology, such as a cyst located on the ovary, primarily depends on the cause of its occurrence. However, regardless of what caused the development of the disease in a particular case, the therapeutic process of such a violation is always complex and time-consuming. Let's take a closer look at the main causes of cyst formation on the ovary and tell about its treatment, including at home.

Because of what ovarian cysts are formed and what are they?

The definition of a "cyst" in itself presupposes the presence of a cavity, which in the process of violation is filled with semi-liquid contents. Depending on the cause of ovarian cysts, it is customary to distinguish the following types of this tumor:

The main reason for the formation of the first type of cyst is the violation of the hormonal background of the female body. The functional type of cysts is primarily associated with a violation of the maturation and release of the follicle, which occurs during the menstrual cycle. Normally, functional cysts (follicular, yellow body cyst) disappear on their own and do not require any medical intervention.

Speaking about the causes of ovarian cyst in young women, it is necessary to distinguish the following factors that have a direct impact on the development of pathology:

What are the dangerous ovarian cysts and how are they manifested?

As a rule, approximately 7 out of 10 cysts of a functional type pass by themselves and completely disappear with the onset of the next menstrual cycle. Despite this, often such a violation requires medical supervision and appropriate treatment.

So the cyst at first does not appear and does not bother the woman. In most cases, the presence of pathology women recognize when there are sharp pains that are localized to the left or right in the lumbar region (depending on which ovary is affected). In advanced cases, the cyst can grow to such a size that it leads to an increase in the abdomen in the volume.

The main complication of such a violation, which poses a danger to the health and life of a woman, is the torsion of the cyst or the degeneration of the formation into a malignant tumor.

What drugs are used for the complex treatment of ovarian cyst?

Therapy of the violation entirely depends on the cause of its development. That is why the proper and timely diagnosis plays an important role.

It is accepted to distinguish 2 types of treatment of this disorder: conservative and radical (surgical intervention).

The basis of the first is hormone therapy. So an example of medications used in ovarian cysts may be Cyclodinone, Lindineth, Longidasa, Tazalok, Epigalat. All of them require the appointment of a doctor and are selected individually. If no changes are observed for 3 cycles, surgical intervention is prescribed.

The most preferred type of surgery for a similar disorder is laparoscopy . In this case, a small puncture is made on the anterior abdominal wall through which access to the affected organs is controlled special video equipment.

Speaking about the methods of treatment of ovarian cysts, we can not fail to mention folk remedies. However, it should be noted immediately that such a therapeutic effect on the body can be considered as an additional tool in the complex.

The treatment of ovarian cysts by folk remedies is also carried out depending on the cause of its occurrence. At the same time, they use decoctions and infusions from such herbs as a nettle leaf, wormwood, mint, windmill, thyme, turn, leuzea root, shepherd's bag, yarrow, chamomile, elecampane root, boric uterus,