Hormonal failure in women - signs

Currently, the problem of hormonal failures is quite urgent. This is due to uncontrolled reception of contraceptive methods by women, frequent abortions, harmful habits, emotional and mental overstrain, irrational nutrition, chronic diseases, especially endocrine.

And signs of imbalance of hormones are often detected not only in women of reproductive and elderly age, but also in young girls.

The role of hormones in the body of a woman

Hormones in the female body are designed to provide the main female function - reproductive, that is, conception, bearing and the birth of a child. To do this, each month, the egg matures and the corresponding changes in the endometrium and mammary glands. In order for this process to proceed normally, the body must maintain a certain balance between the various hormones. If this balance is violated by nature, then they speak of hormonal failure.

  1. In the event that the body shows a deficiency of luteinizing hormone, the signs of malfunction appear in the first phase of the cycle, which leads to the fact that the female egg does not ripen.
  2. If there is a shortage of follicle-stimulating hormone and progesterone, then in the female body there is no ovulation, that is, the egg does not leave the follicle.
  3. A low level of progesterone leads to disturbances in the second phase of the cycle and implantation of the embryo becomes impossible.
  4. Signs of hormonal disorders may also appear due to the increase in testosterone, thyroid hormones or the adrenal cortex.

Signs of hormonal disorders in women

The main symptoms of hormonal failures in the female body include:

  1. An unstable menstrual cycle, which can be manifested by delays in "critical days", or their absence during a certain period of time.
  2. Weight gain. Imbalance of hormones can manifest itself by rapid weight gain, regardless of the nature and amount of food consumed.
  3. Sharp mood changes, irritability, frequent depression.
  4. Sleep disorders, manifested by a long sleep, a weak sleep with frequent awakenings.
  5. Chronic fatigue, which occurs even in the absence of physical activity.
  6. Decreased libido and lack of interest in sex.
  7. Frequent headaches.
  8. Hair loss or increased growth on the body.
  9. Irritability and dryness in the vagina, the appearance of unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.
  10. Myoma, mastopathy.
  11. The appearance of wrinkles.

On the presence of hormonal disorders in young girls say the following symptoms:

In the reproductive age, hormonal failure is more often manifested:

During the menopausal period, disorders in the hormonal background are manifested:

In order to preserve your health for a long time, to bear and give birth to children safely, not to face problems in sexual life and to enter the menopause safely, every woman should follow her cycle and the nature of the discharge during the mening and at least twice a year to undergo gynecological examination.