Diffuse fibrotic mastopathy

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy is, at first glance, a safe state. But it is worth paying attention to it, if only because the presence of this pathology increases the risk of development of an oncological neoplasm.

Diffuse fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands usually develops against the background of hormonal imbalance and predisposing factors can be:

  1. Diseases of the organs of the reproductive system (endometriosis, myoma, pathology of the ovaries).
  2. Violation of the level of estrogen and progesterone . The causes of this may be a deficiency in the function of the yellow body, pituitary disease, endocrine infertility. It is known that in women with early onset menarche (up to 11 years) and late onset of the climacteric period (after 55 years), the risk of developing breast pathology increases. Since there is a longer exposure to the body of hormonal "swings" associated with the menstrual cycle.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  4. Abortions .
  5. Postponed inflammatory diseases and mammary gland traumas.
  6. The appearance of a diffuse form of fibrotic mastopathy is affected by the refusal of breastfeeding, as well as breastfeeding lasting less than one month and more than a year.
  7. Frequent stressful situations.
  8. Heredity.
  9. It is known that the absence of birth increases the risk of developing bilateral diffuse fibrotic mastopathy, as well as late first pregnancy.
  10. Diseases of the liver, accompanied by a decrease in its function. This is because the sex hormones are inactivated in the liver. That is, with liver pathology, the level of these hormones increases, and the risk of developing mastopathy increases.

Signs of mastopathy

Among the symptoms of diffusely fibrous mastopathy, the following clinical manifestations can be distinguished:

  1. Pain syndrome in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Pain can extend to the shoulder, axillary and subscapular region.
  2. In the premenstrual period, iron increases in volume, there is swelling, a feeling of heaviness in it.
  3. Rarely possible discharge from the chest.
  4. When mastopathy in the structure of the breast glandular or connective tissue component may predominate. In palpation, fibrous mastopathy is much denser than glandular mastopathy.

It should be noted that the severity of signs of diffuse fibrotic mastopathy depends on the ratio of connective tissue and glandular structural components. As a rule, the bilateral form of diffuse fibrotic mastopathy occurs much more often than a similar unilateral lesion of the gland.

Principles of treatment of mastopathy

The main goal of therapy is to reduce symptoms and eliminate the cause. If possible, it is necessary to eliminate the concomitant diseases of the genitals. A special place in the therapy of diffuse fibrotic mastopathy is given to a diet and proper nutrition. It has been proven that consuming a large amount of fats leads to a decrease in the level of androgens and an increase in estrogen. And this can cause a mild diffuse fibrotic mastopathy in the presence of predisposing factors. It is useful to consume more vitamins and food containing coarse fibrous vegetable fiber.

It is recommended to exclude from the diet:

Also for treatment, hormone therapy and phytotherapy are used. The normalization of the hormonal background is possessed by ayr, anis, verbena, oregano, prutnjak, stalker, tangata and other vegetable gathering. On the basis of extracts of herbs, there are also medicinal preparations.