What are vitamins and what is their role in the human body?

In warm summer days nature gives a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Juicy, ripe and such appetizing gifts are loved by children and adults for their unforgettable taste and benefit to the body. What vitamins are better - natural or synthetic, what is the benefit of vitamins - let's try to find out.

Vitamins - what is it?

Answer the question of whether a person needs vitamins, very simply, knowing how the term itself is translated. The Latin word "vita" means life. Vitamins are a group of low-molecular organic compounds of a simple structure and of a different chemical nature. By chemical nature - this is a group of organic substances, which is combined on the basis of their need for a heterotrophic organism, as an integral part of food.

Vitamins and their role in the human body

All who know what vitamins are, understand - it is impossible to overestimate their role for the human body. Specialists call such functions of vitamins:

  1. Retinol (vitamin A) - takes part in the formation of visual purple in the retina of the eye, is able to influence the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and protect them. In addition, this vitamin actively supports the growth process, increasing resistance to infections.
  2. Thiamine (vitamin B1) - is very important in the process of metabolism of carbohydrates and the functioning of the digestive system and the central nervous system.
  3. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - is very important in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, as well as respiratory tissue processes, contributes to the production of energy in the body.
  4. Vitamin B3 - improves metabolism, improves blood circulation, improves gastrointestinal function.
  5. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - is involved in the exchange of protein and individual amino acids, fat metabolism, hematopoiesis.
  6. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - is important in the formation of antibodies, promotes the absorption of other vitally important vitamins, stimulates the production of adrenal hormones.
  7. Vitamin B9 - promotes the synthesis of red blood cells and takes part in the function of hematopoiesis.
  8. Vitamin B12 - promotes the synthesis of protein, regulates digestive processes, regulates the work of the central nervous system, ensures the normal development and growth of the body.
  9. Niacin (vitamin PP) - takes part in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, purines. In addition, this important vitamin for the human body regulates redox processes. Niacin is required for the digestive system. With it, you can maintain healthy skin, reduce pain and at the same time improve the mobility of joints, is effective in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders.
  10. Vitamin C - strengthens immunity, increases resistance to infections, improves metabolic processes, healing of wounds and ulcers, promotes the production of collagen.
  11. Vitamin D - promotes a better action on the body of vitamin A, regulates water balance and potassium exchange.
  12. Vitamin E - improves the functionality of the gonads, strengthens blood vessels, prevents the aging and formation of free radicals, is involved in the production of collagen, important for smooth muscles of the intestine and vessels
  13. Vitamin K - is of great importance for blood clotting.

Do I need to drink vitamins?

Before the use of the vitamin complex prescribed by the doctor, we are often interested in why vitamins are needed . The answer is obvious - without them it is impossible to imagine the normal course of life processes. If they are not enough or they are completely absent, metabolism can be disturbed and even in some cases avitaminosis develops. The first signs of this condition can be invisible, and over time, fatigue, irritability, and deterioration of skin.

Now there are about twenty substances related to vitamins. All of them must enter the body every day in certain quantities. One of the characteristics of vitamins is that they do not accumulate in the body and therefore require their constant replenishment. In addition, it is important to remember that if some substances are capable of strengthening the action of others, that is, those that can oppress.

The need for vitamins directly depends on the person's age. A vitamin complex is very important for children up to a year and older, because at this time there is a mental development and active growth. The absence of substances necessary for the body can contribute to various deviations in the future. For the reason that the ration of young children is not as rich as in an adult, doctors advise kids to additionally consume vitamins.

Classification of vitamins

Vitamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble in the chemical structure and physicochemical properties. The first provide an active work of the body for a long time. A day for normal life requires a small dose. However, in its absence, the metabolism may be disturbed, which will lead to a decrease in immunity, different diseases, weight gain, and aging of the body. Although the properties of vitamins are significant, excessive consumption of them can be dangerous to health even more than their lack.

It is common to call water-soluble all those vitamins that can dissolve in water and enter the bloodstream from the food. They are not able to accumulate in tissues and are very quickly excreted from the body. Thanks to such properties, it is possible to prevent their excess in the body, but there is also a negative moment, which is important to remember - their permanent deficit is regularly replenished.

Fat-soluble vitamins

On the question, what vitamins are most important for a person, you can answer unambiguously - fat-soluble. Among fat-soluble vitamins:

Water-soluble vitamins

These types of vitamins should be included in the daily diet of an adult and a child. Among them:

Natural vitamins

Natural vitamins are the best vitamins, because each person is able to get them naturally by staying in the sun and eating healthy fruits and vegetables. It is known that appetizing natural products do not show side effects and thus have no contraindications, which means that they can be used by children and people in old age.

Synthetic vitamins

There are natural and synthetic complex vitamins. The first person can get with food and sunlight, and synthetic ones are called all those that are produced by chemical synthesis. They are called pharmacological agents and are sold in pharmacies. For the first time synthetic vitamin produced in the early twentieth century. It was vitamin B1. After a while, all the other vitamins were synthesized. Initially, such vitamins were recommended to certain categories of the population living in special conditions, where there is a risk of lack of vitamins.

Compatibility of vitamins

In order not to harm the body, but to bring him maximum benefit, it is important to understand what should be the optimal combination of vitamins. Thus, retinol (vitamin A), B vitamins and tocopherol can have a beneficial effect if taken with vitamin F. The positive effect of vitamin A intake is enhanced if it is combined with vitamin E.

Deficiency of vitamins in the body

The role of vitamins for the organism of every person is indisputable. With a shortage of vitamins, the following symptoms are observed:

What is dangerous overabundance of vitamins?

Doctors say what vitamins are, they recommend remembering what happens from an overabundance of vitamins. So, excessive use can lead to hypervitaminosis, which manifests itself in acute and chronic forms. The first symptom resembles poisoning and may result from the use of a vitamin above the daily allowance. As for the chronic form, here the symptoms are not so pronounced.

When an overdose of vitamin A can occur acute reaction of the body: rashes on the skin, hair loss, itching and nausea. In the presence of hypervitaminosis, there is an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, a violation of the functioning of the kidneys and the entire pochepolovoy system. Such an overabundance can be with one-time excessive consumption of vitamin or as a result of long-term use of containing complexes and products of vitamin.

Vitamins in food

Food for each person's body is the main source of nutrients. Particular attention should be given to whether there are vitamins in foods. Thanks to them, you can not only maintain health, but also stay in perfect shape. The concentration of nutrients is affected by:

  1. Variety of product . In fresh vegetables and fruits of useful substances most.
  2. Method and shelf life . If you store food in the refrigerator, then after 3 days, up to 30% of useful substances will be lost, and at room temperature and even more - up to 50%.
  3. Method of processing . With prolonged heat treatment, many useful substances are destroyed. For this reason, the ideal option is steaming.

Know what vitamins are not enough. It is still necessary to understand why they are needed and where they are kept. Among the most important nutrients for human health: