Lacedra - good and bad

Fish of the family of tuna lacedra is considered a delicacy product and is quite expensive. It is very tasty, and it is worthy to take the place of the main dish on any festive table. Its other name is the yellowtail, or yellow-tailed lakewood, which the fish received due to its specific coloration. Its main habitat is warm coastal waters of Japan and Korea. And it is in these countries that they consume more caught fish. Japanese, in addition, grow the lacedra artificially, because it is the main ingredient for sushi and sashimi. Here it is also fried, stewed, added to salads and soups. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the yellowtail is considered a fish that brings good luck.

Nutritional value of laca

The calorie content of the lac rune is 240 kcal per hundred grams. It is quite fatty and contains a lot of cholesterol. Therefore, people who are obese and atherosclerosis, it is recommended to use it extremely moderately. In the meat of fish there is a lot of protein - 35% of the total composition, as well as a large amount of fats - about 60% of the total composition. Like any other marine fish, the lacarde is a source of extremely useful polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also in its composition are the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin C , A, K, PP, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, iron and the like.

The use and harm of the lacudra

Thanks to the abundance of active substances, lakedra promotes the strengthening of immunity and general improvement of the body. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are a source of antioxidants , therefore the use of yellowtail fillets favorably affects the condition of internal organs, hair and skin. The Japanese also believe that those who regularly eat lakedra stay young longer and add to their active period two additional ten years.

In addition to the benefits, the Laceda also has harm. First, it can be a source of allergens to those who do not tolerate seafood. Secondly, with poor quality of processing fish can be infected with parasites, so it is better not to eat it raw, but heat it.