Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

Oncological diseases of the organs of the female reproductive system even at a high level of development of medicine today are an acute problem. Of particular concern is the fact that oncology is significantly "younger" - at risk now includes women of childbearing age (under 40 years). One of these diseases is squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix.

About the disease

The cervix consists of different tissues, covered with an upper layer - epithelium, which is periodically updated. Under the influence of certain factors, when the epithelium is renewed, the growth of atypical cells occurs, which subsequently provoke the appearance of a malignant tumor.

Speaking in this case of a cancer disease, as a rule, we mean squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri - the kind of cancer that occurs most often. It is worth noting that if atypical cells have penetrated only into the epithelium - this is a precancerous state, if it is a matter of penetration into deep tissues - this is cancer.

Cancer cells can spread to the nearest organs, as well as to start metastases, that is, to form new tumors in other parts of the body. It should be noted that the prognosis for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in the absence of treatment is rather disappointing - often the disease has a fatal outcome.

Since the disease does not occur at the same time, three stages of its development are distinguished: differentiated, poorly differentiated and low-grade squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Depending on the structure of cancer cells, it is distinguished:

Causes and Symptoms

The main cause of the disease is called human papillomavirus. In addition, among the factors that contribute to the emergence of cancer education, we can distinguish:

Squamous squamous carcinoma of the cervix arises not immediately. Cancer education develops at least a year, gradually moving from the initial stage to a more severe one. Cancer can be asymptomatic, showing itself already at the stage of the defeat of other organs. Among the symptoms, noticing that you should immediately consult a doctor:


Since the disease for a long time may not bother the woman at all, the correct diagnosis in time will be helped only by periodic examination at the gynecologist. You can identify cancer cells with the help of Pap test - the study of a smear from the epithelium of the cervix.

More complete information can be obtained with colposcopy (examination of the organ with an optical device). If, after this procedure, the doctor has the slightest suspicion of developing cancer, a biopsy is prescribed.

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

The following methods are used to treat the disease:

It is worth noting that when removing the tumor of the cervix (and also to avoid relapse), as a rule, a comprehensive approach is used. Remember that timely diagnosis will greatly simplify the treatment, so do not forget to visit the doctor-gynecologist's office twice a year.