Schisandra chinese - useful properties

Schisandra is a perennial plant. If you rub his leaf or stem, you can feel the pleasant smell of lemon - hence the name. Schisandra is a rather beautiful plant, which, in addition to its nice appearance and pleasant aroma, has an impressive amount of useful properties. The latter will be discussed later in the article.

Schisandra and its useful properties

Schisandra is a universal plant. From any part of it you can benefit. A stem, a bark, fruits, leaves, seeds - everything goes to play. You can talk about useful properties and methods of using magnolia vine for a very long time. It is an excellent natural antidepressant, which besides the medicinal properties can also boast a pleasant taste.

The main useful properties of Chinese magnolia vine are as follows:

  1. Schisandra is famous for its exciting effect. All tinctures, syrups, juices based on magnolia vine, invigorate, tone. The plant helps in the treatment of diseases that cause a breakdown .
  2. Medicines from magnolia vinegar save from headaches.
  3. Lemongrass improves brain activity and increases efficiency.
  4. Useful properties of Schisandra Chinese also contribute to the improvement of vision.

Schizandra is actively used in cooking. From it prepare unusual, but very tasty jams and jams. A kissel with lemongrass - something wonderful - a dish not only tasty, but also tonic and invigorating, no worse than coffee.

Schizandra Crimean boasts similar useful properties. It can be used for administration and disorders of the stomach, as well as iron - an alternative name for Crimean magnolia - helps with diseases of the respiratory tract and skin.

The plant has a tremendous effect and is considered almost harmless. That is why the useful properties of magnolia grass are often used to treat toxicosis in pregnant women (strictly by agreement of the prescription with the doctor).

Methods of using Schisandra

As already mentioned, a very good jam can be made from lemongrass, the taste of which can perfectly complement natural tea from the leaves of this plant. To remove fatigue and recover such tea will help not worse than any other drink. In addition, tea with magnolia vine has useful properties, improves the general condition of the body. More effect can be obtained if you drink this herbal tea for three to four weeks. The positive effect of Schizandra will be noticeable in a few days.

Here are a few more ways to apply leaves, seeds and other parts of magnolia vine and use their beneficial properties:

  1. Oil from the seeds of Schisandra has an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to heal wounds more quickly, improves digestion and increases tone. In pharmacies, you can find magnolia vine in capsules.
  2. Alcohol extract saves from stress, lowers blood pressure and normalizes sugar levels. You need to take it about twenty drops twice a day.
  3. Syrup of magnolia vine has useful properties that effectively help with hypotension. Added to any drink (except alcohol, of course), magnolia syrup will save from drowsiness and help with infections.
  4. The juice of lemongrass copes with climacteric syndrome and increases the potency.

Schizandra, in addition to useful properties, has contraindications. Although they are not so many, you can not neglect them. So, it is strictly not recommended to use lemongrass for children up to twelve years of age. Will not go Schizandra for good and when: