Development of coherent speech in preschool children

As a child grows up, parents are worried about the development of his creative potential, thinking, logic, and sometimes miss such an important detail as the development of coherent speech. Often parents start from the consideration that children, watching them, will independently learn to express their thoughts coherently. But this is not so, the child needs to help establish logical connections in his own speech. For this, there are a lot of exercises, which we will discuss in this article.

What is coherent speech?

Connected speech is the ability of a child to express his thoughts lively, consistently, without distraction for unnecessary details. The main types of coherent speech are monologic and dialogical.

In the dialogue, sentences are monosyllabic, they are filled with intonations and interjections. In the dialogue, it is important to quickly and accurately formulate your questions and answer the questions posed by the interlocutor.

In speech of the monologic type, the child needs to speak figuratively, emotionally and at the same time thoughts should be focused without distraction on the detail.

Formation of coherent speech in preschool children

The method of development of coherent speech includes not only teaching the child the skills of logical presentation of one's own thoughts, but also replenishment of his vocabulary.

The main means of development of coherent speech are:

In the lessons with the child, you can use the means most suitable for his age and interests or combine them.

Games for the development of coherent speech

"Tell me, which one?"

The child is shown an object or toy, and he must describe it. For example:

If the child is still small and can not describe the subject on its own, he must be helped. For the first time, parents can independently describe the subject.

"Describe a toy"

Gradually, exercises can be complicated by adding new signs of objects and expanding them.

Before the child should put a few toys of animals and describe them.

  1. A fox is an animal that lives in the forest. The fox has red hair and a long tail. She eats other small animals.
  2. A hare is a small animal that jumps. He likes carrots. The hare has long ears and a very small tail.

"Guess who?"

Hiding a toy or an object behind her, Mom describes his child. According to the description, the child must guess what exactly the subject is about.


Before the child it is necessary to put several toys of animals, dolls or cars. After that, he is given the task to compare them.

For example:

Exercises to automate sounds in coherent speech

If the child still badly pronounces individual sounds, within the teaching of children of coherent speech, one can also engage in the automation of sounds.

In this cycle of exercises, as well as in the previous one, the principle consists in studying the material from simple to complex.

Before automating the desired sound in a child, it is necessary to correctly learn how to pronounce it isolated from others. This will help articulate exercises. It is important to remember that it is impossible to teach the child, in one lesson, the pronunciation of sounds similar to each other or belonging to the same group.


The child is shown cards with pictures. There should be objects or animals, in the name of which there is an automated sound. If the child pronounces the sound correctly, then the next card is shown to him, and if wrong, the adult calls the bell.


The child is given the task to pronounce a word with an automated sound as many times as the arrow on the clock shows.