Jam from watermelon crusts at home

We want to share with you recipes for dessert, which can be prepared from the crusts of everyone's favorite watermelon, and we'll tell you how to cook jam from them.

Jam from watermelon crusts with orange at home



With crusts cut off the outer rough skin, and from the inner surface of it we remove the remains of succulent flesh. Fold the peeled crust in a colander and thoroughly rinse them with a stream of running water. Now make them smaller and cut into 1.5-2 centimeters cubes. In a saucepan pour the prescription amount of water, stir small sugar and cook for 12-13 minutes on minimal heat. Then, in a large cup or a stainless steel pan, we dip the crusted crusts, pour them with boiling syrup and put everything again on the stove, in order to brew our jam. After it boils for 15 minutes, we add to it the grated zest on the smallest grater of washed oranges. Next, we cut each fruit in half and squeeze as much of the orange juice into the boiling jam. Cook it before half an hour and lay out on a neat jar, roasted in the oven. We roll this unusual, but wonderful jam and put on the shelf with winter preparations.

Jam from watermelon crusts with lemon for the winter



With a sharp knife, cut a thin layer of green peel and cut the remaining flesh as much as possible. Since the jam made according to this recipe will resemble a sweet taste, we will make the crusts larger, a little oblong in size. In an empty container, pour 3 liters of water and brew baking soda in it. We load the crusts here and leave them under the closed lid for 3-4 hours. Then drain the solution, and the cake is moved to a colander, which is exposed to running water and washed them. We put everything in a metal bowl of a large size and evenly pour the watermelon crusts with sugar. When we see that there is a lot of juice in the cup, mix everything with the remains of unboiled sugar and put our delicious jam on the stove. In the process of its boiling, we enter the raw lemon, cut into small cubes. After 15 minutes, the bowl is set aside for 5-6 hours, and afterwards we repeat the cooking process. Ready-made hot jam is laid out on cleanly washed and carefully sterilized glass jars. We close them with sterile metal caps and wait patiently for the winter!

Delicious jam from watermelon crusts in a multivark



By the principle of the first and second recipes, we prepare crusts. We cut them with a sharp knife, giving the appearance of a long straw. We move the straw from the crusts into the bowl of the multivark. We add here a glass of brown sugar somewhere and mix it with it. We add water and, with the "Quenching" mode on, cook jam for at least 15 minutes. Now open the lid of the multivark and pour the rest of the sugar into the bowl and add the aroma of vanillin. Mix it with boiling jam, cover it again and cook it in this mode for 55 minutes. Jam from the multiquark we move to the banks sterile and roll them up to the stop, sterile caps.