Why do circumcision boys?

Everyone knows that Muslims and Jews make circumcision for boys. I wonder why it is needed, and what does modern medicine think about this operation?

Why do the boys circumcise?

And you know why boys are circumcised, do you think the whole thing is in religion? But no, the reasons can be different.

  1. Often, circumcision is done for children not for religious reasons, but as a tribute to tradition - the family did everything so and the parents of the baby do not see any reason to violate the tradition of their ancestors. And before circumcision was done for hygiene reasons - it was more difficult to take care of the purity of the genital organs, there was no water pipe. Also in ancient times, circumcision was done not in newborns, but in adolescents also had a character of initiation - entry into adulthood.
  2. Circumcision in some religions has a profound spiritual meaning. The body is the shell of the soul, and the foreskin for man is an obstacle to communion with God. That is, a man can approach love for the Divine only after circumcision.
  3. Circumcision in newborns is common, but why is it done to men? Of course, there are cases of acceptance of another religion at a more mature age. But the case can be still that circumcision is carried out also on medical indications. There is such a disease as phimosis - the foreskin is wrapped around the head too tightly (or fuses with it), which makes urination difficult, in adult men makes it painful or even impossible to have sexual intercourse. If the disease was found at an early age, then there is the possibility to do without surgery, after puberty, in most cases, circumcision is necessary.
  4. In addition, men make circumcision by going about with their ladies. Some women consider the form of a circumcised penis more aesthetic, and other women think that a non-removed skin fold contributes to the accumulation of dirt and the development of various sexual infections. But if circumcision is done in adulthood, there is a danger of difficulties with sexual attraction - the most sensitive part of the skin is cut off, and the penis head is not so susceptible. Therefore, after circumcision, the man takes time to get used to the new condition, and can also refuse from condoms, because in them the man can not get pleasure.

How are circumcision done to boys?

Why we need to circumcise the boys, we figured out, but how it is done, and where it is possible to circumcise a child, remains to be seen. Is this operation so painful, as it seems to many?

Circumcision is made to boys on the 7th day after birth (not including the day of childbirth), if the newborn is sick this day, the circumcision is performed a week after recovery. In addition, circumcision is not carried out if the child was born prematurely and can not be taken home, in which case the operation is also postponed. Circumcision is not performed at all, if there are hereditary blood diseases, for example, hemophilia - a violation of blood clotting. If circumcision is not part of a religious ritual, it is made to the newborn on the first day of their life.

Circumcision is made by midwives, urologists, family doctors, surgeons, it can do and the Rebbe - a Jewish priest.

Many parents are worried about the pain the child will experience during the operation. But now there is the possibility of using local anesthesia for the duration of the operation and the use of funds that reduce pain after circumcision.

Can complications arise after circumcision? Usually this does not happen, and full healing occurs 2 weeks after the operation. The first 2-3 days, minor bleeding and tumors are possible. After 8-10 days, the appearance of the penis is improved, usually at the same time and remove the stitches.

Doctors do not consider circumcision a necessary procedure if the boy (male) is healthy and there are no pathologies. So to do circumcision only for hygienic reasons is irrational.