Development of creative abilities of children in the visual activity

The development of the creative abilities of children is very important for the development of their personality. Many parents make a serious mistake, paying attention to completely different things and not attaching any importance to creativity. In fact, it should be understood that your child up to a certain age can express himself exclusively in creativity and, in particular, visual activity.

How to develop the child's creative abilities?

The most favorable age for identifying and developing the individual creative abilities of children is a period of 3 to 7 years. That is why before starting school at school, loving moms and dads should make certain efforts to realize the creative potential of their child. Modern teachers and psychologists believe that this may not be enough traditional approach. In order for the child to be able to fully manifest his abilities, systematic use of various non-traditional methods and techniques will be required.

Including, today such approach to education is often used, as environmental pedagogy, whose secret lies in revealing and developing the creative abilities of children by creating a certain environment and conditions in which it is convenient to exist. At the same time, nobody forces anyone to anything and does not impose anything, instead creates a space of infinite play and full trust.

Being in such conditions, every person, both an adult and the smallest child, is an active participant in the process of cognition. Kids, like a sponge, absorb what adults show them, and pick up the lifestyle and basic values ​​that they offer.

With this approach, in the course of classes aimed at developing the creative abilities of children in the visual activity, in the first place, adults themselves demonstrate their potential, and the kids first only copy their behavior. Meanwhile, do not think that to promote the development of creativity is needed only in a certain place and in a specially designated time for it.

On the contrary, if you want your child to fully demonstrate his abilities and imagination , create the necessary conditions for this in the entire space that surrounds him. In particular, you must ensure your the kid with all the means of drawing necessary for the development of the creative abilities of children - pencils, paints, tassels, felt-tip pens, paper and other similar instruments. This list will expand constantly as your son or daughter grows up.

Do not forget that there are a lot of ways to develop the creative abilities of children in artistic activity, however, they all have several elements in common: the obligatory encouragement of children's initiative, regular praise , and playful and playful form of activities. Never turn a child's activity into boring lessons, so you will forever discourage him from the desire to create.