How to treat arthrosis of the foot at home?

Arthrosis of the foot is one of the most common diseases, which is more common in women and affects the area of ​​the big toes. There are many causes of this disease, among which are the following:

Is it necessary to treat arthrosis?

Not to notice the onset of arthrosis is difficult, although many simply ignore its first symptoms, which do not yet cause significant inconveniences (periodic pain in the joints of the foot, tingling, swelling).

Timely begun therapy of arthrosis at an early stage helps to stop the pathological process and prevent severe consequences. For this, the first symptoms should be addressed to a doctor who will carry out diagnostic measures, determine the extent of the lesion and prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, you can treat uninhibited arthrosis of the foot at home, periodically observed by a specialist.

Treatment of arthrosis of the foot in the home

Considering how to cure arthrosis of the foot in the home, first of all, attention should be paid to general recommendations that help to stop the effects of unfavorable factors. So, women suffering from foot arthrosis should:

  1. Reduce the physical load on the feet and refuse to wear tight shoes with high heels. It should be preferred soft shoes that provide normal access to oxygen and not squeezing blood vessels. It is best to purchase special orthopedic shoes or orthopedic inserts.
  2. If you are overweight , you should follow a diet to reduce it, which will reduce the burden on joints. It is recommended to include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, to refuse from fatty, fried foods, smoked foods and sweets. Useful dishes are those containing gelatin.
  3. To improve the mobility of joints, the activation of trophic processes, the normalization of muscle tissue, special massage and therapeutic gymnastics are recommended. These procedures can be carried out independently after consultation with an experienced specialist.
  4. Effectively with arthrosis of the foot make warm baths with decoction of needles, burdock, sabelnik, bay leaves, etc. You can also apply at night compresses from the mashed leaves of burdock smeared with honey. This helps reduce inflammation, normalize metabolism.

Tablets with arthrosis of foot

Do not dispense with arthrosis and without taking medications, the main of which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are more conveniently used at home in tableted form, as well as in gels and ointments. Consider how to treat arthritis and arthrosis of the foot (names of the most common medicines):