Laxative products

Many people suffer from constipation, but not everyone can admit it, since the topic is rather delicate. To get rid of the severity and pain in the stomach, it is recommended to include laxatives in your diet . Thanks to this you will not need to take medications to forget about the difficulties with the chair.

What foods are laxatives?

The main causes of constipation include problems with intestinal peristalsis. To cope with this problem, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle and adjust your diet.

Natural laxatives include:

  1. Bran . The composition of these products includes coarse fiber, which helps to cope with constipation. Bran can be picked up in a pharmacy, boiled with boiling water and then consumed.
  2. Pumpkin . A laxative property is a raw vegetable and dishes cooked on its basis.
  3. Prunes . On the basis of this product, you can prepare a variety of drinks, as well as use it in a boiled and raw form. To reduce the risk of constipation, prunes can be included in many recipes.
  4. Oatmeal . This natural laxative product acts very gently. From cereals you can cook porridge, jelly or broth.
  5. Peas . Help to get rid of constipation dry peas, which must be crushed into powder and consumed for 1 tsp daily.
  6. Flax seeds . In small quantities, this product can be added to various salads. You can also use infusion, for this you need to pour the seeds with boiling water for 5 hours.
  7. Onions . Laxative effect of the vegetable is in any form. It helps the food to be absorbed faster and improves the condition even with chronic constipation.
  8. Beets . This vegetable should be eaten in any form. With prolonged constipation, enemas can also be used from the decoction of root vegetables.
  9. Fruits . A laxative effect is enjoyed by peaches, apples, etc. Also, dried fruit, for example, figs and dried apricots, is also useful.

Recipes from laxative products for weight loss

To effective means that help not only to get rid of constipation, but also to cleanse the body of the products of decay is the salad "Mite". To cook it is very simple, for this purpose it is necessary to grate the beets, carrots, cabbage, celery, and turnip on a large grater. To fill such a salad is not recommended.

To products acting as a laxative, refers to a cucumber pickle, only prepared without the use of seasonings and spices. The necessary effect will be a brine, in which the cucumbers were at least a month. Vegetable juices with pulp have a laxative effect, for example, beet juice, carrots, celery, etc.

In folk medicine, too, there are recipes that help get rid of constipation. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a glass of water. The resulting drink is recommended for fasting.

It is also useful to drink dairy products, only one-day.

Separately it is necessary to say about spirulina - seaweed, which has a laxative effect. This product improves metabolism, cleanses the intestines even from old decay products and restores useful microflora.

Important rules

To get rid of constipation, it is very important to follow certain rules:

  1. Daily it is necessary to drink a lot of clean water, the minimum quantity is 1.5 liters. This volume does not include tea, juice and other drinks.
  2. The food must be chewed very carefully.
  3. Spoil yourself with coffee, as this drink helps to digest food and stimulates bowel movement.
  4. For cooking, use a variety of spices, as they improve intestinal motility.