Comfort zone - what is it, how to determine, why and how to get out of the comfort zone?

A zone of comfort - for a person this is an important component of his life, then, what can you rely on in a changing and unstable world. But nothing can stay in the same state for a long time, and staying long in the usual, the individual gradually degrades.

What is a comfort zone?

Zone of comfort - the definition of this phenomenon is interpreted as an individual space of a person in which he feels himself as protected and confident, the value of this lies in the stability of a small microcosm created by the individual to his needs. The destruction of the comfort zone is a way out of psychological balance.

Zone of comfort in psychology

Human comfort zone - psychology defines it as a certain living space that satisfies the basic needs of participation, security and a certain psychological state, when there is a feeling of "soil underfoot," mental relaxation. Psychologists believe that the comfort zone is a "double-edged sword". It's nice to be relaxed, confident in the future, but when the state of relaxation becomes permanent, a person ceases to develop.

What does it mean to leave the comfort zone?

In order to understand how to get out of the comfort zone, you need to clearly understand why and for what purpose it is needed. To get out of the comfort zone is to put oneself on the path of uncertainty, to the initially uncomfortable conditions and begin to perform unusual actions, radically different from what a person is used to doing. Coming out of comfort is a risk, but also a way to see yourself on the new side.

Expansion of the comfort zone

Awareness is an important moment, during which the problem comes from the subconscious level to the conscious level, which means that the person realizes the need for change. Everything should be done gradually and in stages, encourage yourself for every step in the direction of changing your life. How to extend the comfort zone, the stages:

  1. Setting goals - should be clear, with a vision of the final desired result.
  2. Determination of the timing of changes - it is important to prescribe all the nuances, designate a time frame, for example, to set tasks for six months, a month, a week and sum up. This is useful for tracking changes, which motivates you to go further.
  3. A concrete plan for working on yourself. The way out of stability and comfort at the initial stage is very painful, there may be disruptions and a desire to return to the usual state, but it is important to continue to take consistent steps and enlist the support of close people, read motivating literature or watch a video about successful individuals;
  4. Achievement of success and its consolidation. The goal is achieved, you can relax to gain strength, but do not stop at what has been achieved so as not to enter the swamp of routine again, it is important to set new goals.

Exit from the comfort zone - exercises

The way out of the comfort zone is a change in the usual, patterned actions that are more often performed on the automatics - they are understandable, do not cause anxiety, but also do not add color - life becomes dull and predictable, but many people are comfortable with it and it's neither bad nor good - it all depends from our perception. But if routine, monotony became unbearable, then it's time to get out of this state. Exercises are ways to get out of the comfort zone:

  1. Changing the usual route - a person for his life gets used to some specific places, the same routes of travel. Tip: change these routes, go other ways to work, choose new places of meeting with friends - from the sapping impressions you need to get rid of.
  2. Change the image . This applies to both women and men. Changing the image helps a person feel differently.
  3. Start developing in a new, unexplored direction. There are many ways: studying crafts, professions, reading books for self-discovery, attending training shadows for personal self-development.
  4. Doing sports . Everyone knows the fact that moderate exercise increases the amount of endorphins, and this contributes to a wonderful mood and desire to achieve their goals. A zone of comfort is a "such" place from which it is difficult to move and develop further, sport helps to overcome the formed inertia.
  5. Start to travel . Opportunities for all are different, and it does not have to be traveling to overseas countries. In its area, the region has many picturesque and historic places, which are interesting to explore.

Fear of getting out of the comfort zone

The zone of comfort and stability is so terrible and painful to leave it. What is the basis for the fear of getting out of the familiar and familiar, if not the best? This is the fear of novelty and unpredictability of consequences, because all that is and is "acquired by excessive work" - all this in the risk of loss. Habitual - it's native and predictable, and behind the comfort zone - no one gives guarantees that it's worth it. Why leave the comfort zone, the reasons why it is worth doing:

Books about the way out of the comfort zone

Brian Tracy "Get out of the comfort zone. Change your life "- this best-selling book written by a famous NLP practitioner has helped many to understand that if you want you can achieve amazing successes and start with having to" tear off "yourself from the couch and take the first step from the comfort zone to this, full of exciting adventure life. Successful people overcome themselves and show by their example that it is real to become successful, in fact, literature on leaving the comfort zone is about overcoming yourself and striving for success.

Psychologists recommend the following books about how to get out of the familiar, warm and cozy space and change their lives:

  1. "Step by step to achieve the goal" R. Maurer . A sequence of small, everyday steps is the key to success, the author believes. The book pays much attention to combating the fear of change.
  2. "The habit to achieve" B. Roth . For those who feel that they "stayed" in the usual and wants to develop further, but there are no "how" tools. Practical simple exercises, the right questions will help to get out of the creative stupor and comfort zone, and start moving again.
  3. "Make yourself". T. Sylig . The zone of stability and comfort is a stop in development. A person should not stop, take one top, one must strive for the next. For your life you can succeed in many ways.
  4. "The Alchemist" P. Coelho . A book that makes you think about your path about finding yourself, about making your main trip you need to get out of the house, walk away from everything that is usual, go through many tests and difficulties, but at the end find everything you dreamed about.
  5. "Without self-pity. Push the boundaries of your possibilities. " Larssen . Bestseller Norwegian author helped hundreds of people to move from the "dead" point and succeed. The zone of peace and comfort is delayed and not always awareness gives liberation, practical tools are needed and this book is a support for those who want to achieve favorable changes in their lives.

Comfort Zone - personal space

If we talk about health, well-being of a person, the zone of personal comfort in the surrounding space is very important - it is about the safety of personal borders, the invasion of which causes anxiety, aggression, physical malaise and a number of psychological problems. The comfort zone when interacting with people depends on what kind of relationship between them.

Zone of comfort in communication

The zone of comfort in communication is divided into 5 radii or spatial distances:

Intimate Comfort Zone

How to determine your comfort zone? It's easy, you need to track your feelings when communicating at different distances and with different people, whether this feeling is uncomfortable or not. Intimate and over-intimitive zones of comfort, the invasion of them adversely affects the person's health. Everyone knows the feeling when you are traveling in crowded transport or standing in a huge queue - there is a state of anxiety, insecurity, lack of air, there can be panic, as in the threat of life.

Comfort zone in a relationship

Personal comfort zone of a person in relations with loved ones, friends is gradually decreasing, if friendship relations are distanced relations, and rapprochement occurs only at a handshake during a meeting, it can be noticed that close friends, relatives, often at short distance from each other, comfortable, because there is trust in each other and a sense of attachment .