Dicycin during pregnancy

The first "first aid" for bleeding during pregnancy, which is used by doctors to stop it - the drug Ditsinon. First, let's learn a little about Dicinone in order to more fully represent the picture.

So, Dicycin is a hemostatic drug, which is also an angioprotector and a pro-aggregator. In simpler words, Dicinon has a hemostatic effect, and also strengthens blood vessels, accelerates the formation of platelets and their exit from the bone marrow. The following describes in more detail how to take Dicinon.

The use of this drug is indicated in many cases, but the main direction is bleeding during pregnancy. Dicycin is effective in pregnancy, but how it affects the fetus is not known for sure today, since such studies have not been conducted.

How to take Dicinon during pregnancy - is written in the instructions, but if in short, the more acceptable method is the tablets, which need to be taken 3 times a day for 1 pc. not less than three days. The effect of tablets occurs within 1-3 hours. Injections of dicynon during pregnancy give a more rapid effect, which occurs already after 10-15 minutes - bleeding or swallowing stops.

Dicinon - indications

Hemorrhages of varying degrees, as well as, exfoliation of the placenta or chorion. In addition, in some cases it is prescribed for non-stop nasal bleeding. If there are indications, it can be applied from the first trimester of pregnancy.

Dicinon - what are the contraindications?

The main contraindications to the use of Dicinone are diseases associated with increased blood coagulability - thrombosis, thromboembolism, as well as individual intolerance to some of the constituents of the drug.

Like any pharmacological drug, Dicinon during pregnancy can cause side effects of a general nature - headaches, redness of the skin, heartburn, nausea , etc. are possible. These effects are more often manifested in those who lead a not very healthy lifestyle or for any reason do not comply with the prescribed dosage. After canceling the appointment or completely stopping the drug, all the effects disappear without a trace.

Dicycin with a threatening miscarriage

Another important aspect for the use of Dicinon during pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage. This topic is specially singled out separately, since it has the most serious consequences when not providing timely assistance. At threat of a miscarriage of the pregnant woman the complete confinement is prescribed, and also it should be surrounded by complete rest without any irritants. In such a delicate situation, any wrong movement can cause the most unfortunate consequences.

In such cases, depending on the degree of predisposition to bleeding and increased uterine tone, doctors prescribe Dicinone in tablets, and if the situation takes a serious turn, they are transferred to injections. Dicinone dosage during pregnancy is extremely important and determined by the doctor individually. Saving can last almost the entire pregnancy, but such cases are relatively rare, and most of the expectant mothers spend in the department from 2 to 3 weeks to a month. After discharge, there is constant monitoring by the doctor, in which the woman is observed, as well as complete and constant self-monitoring of the condition. With every slightest feeling of discomfort, you should visit a doctor.

In general, Dicinon has proved itself very well for its entire use, thanks to its efficiency and ease of use. But it should be remembered that the degree of its effect on the fetus is still unknown, so if the situation does not reach its peak, do not use the drug. In addition, do not take it without consulting a doctor, not only during pregnancy, but also for any other bleeding. More information about Dicinone during pregnancy will be given by the instruction, and the drug can be taken only as prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable!