Inflammation of the bladder - symptoms

Many people are familiar with the situation when it is only necessary to overcool or wet your feet in rainy weather, immediately there are unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen and you have to run to the toilet more often. This inflamed the bladder, and its symptoms cause a lot of inconvenience.


With the unpleasant symptoms of inflammation of the bladder, many have come across. It:

But most of all, signs of inflammation of the bladder are troubled by frequent, often painful urination. Moreover, the bladder does not even have time to fill, so a very small amount of urine is released.

In addition to the standard signs of the disease, the leading symptom of inflammation of the neck of the bladder is urinary incontinence. Since the main focus of inflammation is in the area of ​​the sphincter apparatus. In this regard, the function of sphincters is impaired. It is also possible the appearance of pain during sexual acts.

With chronic inflammation of the bladder, symptoms appear in an erased form. The following periods are typical for this form of the disease:

  1. Remission is the attenuation of a clinical picture. During this period, the general condition is practically unaffected, but the pathological process in the bladder gradually progresses.
  2. Exacerbation is a pronounced complex of the above symptoms.


Now, having found out what are the signs of inflammation of the bladder, you need to understand the treatment. The treatment regimen must include antibiotics or drugs that have a uroseptic effect. The main symptoms of an inflamed bladder are caused by an infectious agent. Therefore, the drug must have the property of being excreted through the kidneys and accumulated in the urine. That is, to exert its destructive effect on microorganisms that cause diseases of the urinary system. For example, Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, and also Monural , Furadonin, Furagin are often used from antibiotics.

In the acute period of inflammation of the bladder, treatment and control of symptoms means taking anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics. Because the pain is often quite intense. In addition, a generous drink and a full meal are recommended. And the use of linen only from natural tissues will promote a speedy recovery.