Diet Nutrition

Raw food is a food system that involves the full or primary consumption of raw foods. That is, any thermal processing of food is excluded, since the founders of the method believe that historically and biologically we are not adapted to the frying-cooking, because our ancestors consumed food in their raw form. Therefore, for many, the diet of raw food is a diet of the Stone Age.

Star food rations

However, every day this method is becoming more popular. The main adherents of the diet are the Hollywood stars: Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Uma Thurman and many other celebrities. Most women, following the example of their ideals, choose a diet for raw diet for weight loss. And it really works, because the body from stress and a sudden lack of the usual products (fried, flour, fat) sharply loses weight. In addition, as most raw food experts say, the slimming effect is achieved through the removal of slags and other decay products from the body, which were deposited all our consumer life on the walls of the intestine. There were even cases when people were losing up to 50 kg on raw food!

Is raw food a diet or a way of life?

Alas, like most diets, raw food also has a temporary effect. If you lasted a week and dropped a few pounds, and then returned to their buns and fried pork, then soon the "dropped" pounds will return to their original places: hips, abdomen, sides. Therefore, whether it is possible to lose weight on raw food is a rhetorical question. It's just a matter of switching to raw diet for the rest of your life. This is what all the raw fooders say. Go for a new way of life, guided not only by losing weight with the help of raw food, but also by taking care of one's own health and longevity.

What to eat raw food?

However, considering that all of us, first of all, are interested in the issue of combination - weight and raw food, let's talk about what you can eat raw food. As it turned out, not so little. Firstly, all the unprocessed cereals are welcome, at night they are flooded with water and the next day they are quite ready. In addition, sprouted wheat grains, cold pressed vegetable oils, dried fruits , and, of course, fruits and vegetables in any quantity.

All of the above products, of course, are very useful. And if you are not inclined to radical changes in life, then after trying this method of nutrition for a week, without thinking about how fast to lose weight on raw food, you will be able to get rid of excess inches at the waist and get a charge of positive energy!