Planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings

Any gardener feels pride when he independently manages to grow a plant from a tiny seed to a fruit bearing bush. Especially interesting are these experiments with seedlings of strawberries grown from seeds.

When can I start sowing strawberries for seedlings?

It is better to start in January - early February, so that in the summer you can get the first berries. Seed is desirable to buy from a trusted seller, because it's no secret that there are a lot of unscrupulous manufacturers.

Particularly sensational stories in this area relate to seedlings of freezer strawberries. People pay a lot of money for a few seeds, waiting to get an unprecedented harvest, and in the end get at best a simple strawberry with a mediocre taste. And it's only in the ignorance of customers - you need to know that a seed called a freeze does not exist in nature.

The word "free" in French means "frozen", that is, it is a ready-made frozen bush without leaves, stored under certain conditions. He is really able to give a good harvest of ordinary strawberries and make happy throughout the season.

Seedlings of strawberries from seeds

The planting of strawberries begins with seeds for seedlings from the stratification of the available seeds. They are slightly moistened and immediately placed in a refrigerator (up to + 4 ° C) for 14-21 days. After that, the seeds are sown in prepared containers to a depth of 0.5 cm from the surface. The soil should be loose and nutritious. The container with seeds is covered with a lid and placed in a warm sunny place for germination (about 25 days).

As soon as the seeds are puffed up and the sprouts are visible, the tanks should be started to ventilate regularly, tempering the seedlings. The container should have a moderate moisture content without excess - if there is a lot of condensation, the container should be ventilated before evaporation and watered with less water.

Seedlings of strawberries prefer melt or rain water, and it does not tolerate tap water. Planting strawberry seeds for seedlings is a very fascinating business, and observing all simple rules, you can please the family with a fragrant berry, grown from scratch, by the end of the summer season.