How to develop a child in 1 month?

Parents always want their kid to grow up not only healthy but also smart. To do this, they are engaged with him and buy him educational toys. However, how can you develop a child who barely turned a month, inexperienced parents often do not know. About what the child can do by this time and what activities help the kid to master the world faster and better, we will tell in this article.

What can a child do in 1 month?

By the end of the first month of his life the baby is already forming his first conditioned reflexes and actively, however, no longer verbally, is involved in communication with parents. He also knows if to cry - my mother will approach him.

The baby has a vision in 1 month. He begins to copy the main emotions on the face of his parents. So, he smiles in response to his mother's smile or frowns, if my mother is bending his eyebrows. The kid no longer just glances at the objects, but also knows how to hold him for a short time to those who attract his attention.

The first signs of speech activity are manifested in the baby at the end of the first month of life. He begins to agukat. He is also involved in communication with his mother emotionally. He can already squeal when he is happy and accompany emotions by waving his arms and legs.

The skills of a month-old child can be attributed to the fact that the baby when turning on his tummy can already hold his head for a few seconds.

How to develop a child in 1 month?

Classes with a child at the age of 1 month should be aimed at developing the hearing and vision of the baby. It is also very important not to interrupt with the child tactile contact, because it gives him a sense of security.


Developing the hearing of the baby, it is important for the mother to talk with him as often as possible. Showing the child some of the items, playing with him, the mother must constantly tell the kid what they are doing now or what subject is now in front of them.

It will also be useful to tell the kid rhymes or sing songs. Thus, he develops not only a rumor, but also a sense of rhythm.


At the age of 1 month in developing games with the baby there are toys. They should be demonstrated to the child at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from the eyes. To start, the rattle should be driven left / right. Gradually, the baby will begin to follow the movements of the toy. After that, the exercise can be complicated and led from top to bottom and vice versa or in a circle.

To the edge of the crib, observing the optimal distance for the eyes, you can hang the toy. When the baby begins to focus on her own view, the toy can be moved to the other side of the crib.

Also with the kid you can play "hide and seek", appearing to the right or to the left of it. To kids such game it is necessary to liking, the main thing to do it smoothly not to frighten the child.


In the development of the sense of touch of a baby from 1 month old mother can help an ordinary developing toy, made by own hands. The toy is a scrap of different tissues, collected in the form of a book. It is also not necessary that on such pages there are sewn other characters, it is important that the fabrics were of different textures. The child should be given in handles such pages need alternately.

You can also make a small bag for the baby, filled with different cereals. The kid still does not know how to take them in handles, but you can gently stroke such toys with your hands and fingers. So, from an early age, the mother will contribute to the development of the child's fine motor skills.

Physical development of the baby

The development of physical activity is equally important for a month-old child. You can do this at any time, while the child does not sleep, for example, in the bathroom, when changing or just so.


During bathing, the baby can be given a light massage. It will also be useful to teach him to push off the legs from the side of the bath, for this, the soles of the toe's legs should be brought closer to the edge of the bathroom. Feeling this support, the kid is reflex push away from it. Such fun is pleasant to children, besides the child so will strengthen the muscles.


When swaddling or just when the baby is awake, you can play the game "Bike" with it. For this, the baby's legs need to be bent and sorted by them as if they were pedaling.

Also useful for the baby will be charging for hands. Putting the child on his back, his mother will need to gently start his hands over his head, lower them down, spread them apart and cross them on his chest.

During the exercises, the child should sing songs or just talk gently to him.