White discharge after menstruation

White discharge after menstruation can be regarded by doctors, as a variant of the norm, and a sign of a gynecological disease. With this phenomenon, the gynecologist first asks the patient about the amount and frequency of their appearance. Consider this situation in more detail and try to determine: why after the monthly go white discharge and when it's normal.

What is the norm?

It should be noted that in the norm, according to the physiological characteristics of the female reproductive system, the appearance of 1-2 ml per day of excretions is allowed. Most often they are white, rarely with a yellowish tinge. Any odor in such discharge is completely absent or has a slightly sour shade.

White, thick, cremobraznye secretions after menstruation can be observed after 10-12 days. This phenomenon also refers to the norm, because approximately in these terms in the female body is ovulation. In some cases, the appearance of discharge from the genital tract is reminiscent of a raw chicken protein.

In what cases is white discharge after menstruation a sign of impairment?

As a rule, quite abundant white discharge after menstruation indicates the presence of the disease in the reproductive system. In this case, they are often accompanied by an unpleasant odor, burning, itching. In some cases, a greenish hue may appear.

In most cases, such discharge is caused by an inflammatory process in the vagina itself ( colpitis, vaginitis ). Often the reason for this phenomenon can be hidden in the presence of infectious agents such as trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis.

It is also worth noting that white precipitates may be caused by other factors. Among them are:

Thus, in order to accurately determine the cause, a woman should not be delayed with a visit to a gynecologist and engage in self-diagnosis.