Chocolate-orange mousse

Mousse from chocolate is a dessert, designed for the cold season, as it is quite saturated and heavy. Fans of this kind of dessert will surely find useful recipes from this article, in which the company's favorite delicacy is citrus notes.

Chocolate-orange mousse - recipe



Melt the tile of black chocolate in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Cheese tofu cut into cubes and put in a bowl blender. Fill the cheese with orange juice and whisk everything to homogeneity. Add the melted chocolate, cardamom, honey and zest, and then repeat the whipping until the mousse becomes uniform in color and consistency. Before serving, the finished treat should be cooled for about an hour.

Bitter chocolate-orange mousse



Chopped chocolate, marshmallow and butter put it on a water bath and melt everything, stirring, for about 5 minutes, until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

We rub the zest of an orange and add it to the base of the chocolate mousse together with 2 tablespoons of hot water. Cook the chocolate mousse with orange for another 5 minutes, then remove the bowl from the fire and cool it for a couple of minutes. Before serving, add a little vanilla extract for flavor.

We decorate the mousse with thin slices of orange spread out on the mantel.

How to make chocolate-orange mousse in a cup?



We divide the eggs into yolks and squirrels. With orange peel the peel and fill it with a small amount of hot water to release a maximum of essential oils. In the same place, we dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar. After 10 minutes, pour the resulting solution of chopped chocolate and put the bowl in a water bath. As soon as the chocolate melts, start whisking it with egg yolks. The thickened mixture is removed from the fire and carefully combined with egg whites beaten to hard peaks. We spread the mousse in cups and leave it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.