Symbols of Reiki and their meaning

Reiki is a kind of alternative medicine, in which healing is effected by touching the palms. The symbols of Reiki are Japanese hieroglyphs that have been kept secret for a long time, because they are believed to have enormous power. Intricate drawings contain a huge energy, which each person, if desired, can direct to the desired channel.

Symbols of Reiki and their meaning

In ancient times, about 300 symbols were known, but the most common were only 22. Over time, the real names and meanings of many characters were lost. There are basic, additional and unconventional symbols of Reiki, each of which has its own energy and mode of action.

Cho Ku Ray . The symbol of power externally resembles a coiled snake that raised its head. It is believed that this image shows the relationship with the "kundalini snake". This sign symbolizes the universe and its possibilities. Three curls are associated with such concepts as eternity, infinity and being. For people, Cho Ku Ray is the key that can open the door to receive cosmic energy.

This Hye Ki . The symbol of harmony is the key to the absolute, when man and God become one. Heiki means calmness and self-control, and This is passion and feelings . Another symbol is the designation of thought. With its help, you can normalize the emotional state.

Hong Sha Ze Sho Nen . Remote sign, which many call the "Tree of Life". It symbolizes the passage of man's five stages of development. Often this sign is used when healing at a distance.

Dai Ko Mio. The Masters symbol is used during the tuning process for the necessary energy. This is a kind of key that helps to open the desired channel. Many use the symbol for concentration during meditation.

It is important to know not only the symbols of Reiki, but also how to use them to get energy. The task is to activate the symbol, for which it must be drawn. Then the person should look at the sign for a few minutes, concentrating solely on his energy. The next step is to draw a symbol in the air, take it in hand and put it under both armpits, saying these words:

"I ask for the energy (such and such) of the symbol to integrate with me and fill me with my vibrations."

Stay in this position for 15 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the integration process at least 10 times.

We propose to consider an example of how to use Reiki symbols to fulfill desires. It is necessary to prepare a small hardcover notebook. Best if he has more than 50 sheets. On the first page, write the character of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and his name, on the next one - Sei He Ki with the name, and on the third sheet - Cho Ku Ray and his name. On the following pages, write down your desires, which can be divided into topics. They should be as clear as possible. It's important not to ask for anything else. On the last page, again draw the symbol of Hong Sha Sha Sho Nen with the name, on the penultimate - Sei Hye Ki, and before him - Cho Ku Ray and his name. Close the notebook and draw these symbols in the air and meditate over the notepad for 5 minutes. Repeat this practice on a daily basis.

Additional Reiki symbols

As already mentioned, there are additional symbols that can be used for certain purposes . Consider a couple of them:

  1. Zen Kai Joe . Use it along with a sign of prosperity. This symbol of Reiki helps to attract money, and also to achieve mental well-being. He activates the Hara Chakra and helps to get rid of the used energy and different blocks.
  2. Ki Yan Chi . This symbol of prosperity allows us to find new opportunities, discover talents and understand the causes of failure. You can use the sign both for yourself and for other people.