What does the manipura chakra answer for?

On the human body there are seven chakras that are responsible for certain areas of life. Many do not even suspect that problems are often associated with the blocking of these energy channels.

For people involved in energy, the location of the Manipur chakra is known, and others will be interested to know that the third energy channel is in the solar plexus area. It is believed that this chakra has a direct impact on the vital energy of a person.

What does the Manipur Chakra answer for?

It is believed that this energy channel is painted yellow, and its element - Fire. When you block it, a person feels broken and exhausted.

For which answers Manipura:

  1. The main task of this channel is to absorb, accumulate and transform energy throughout the body.
  2. For bodily intuition, which allows a person to better assess situations and make the right decisions.
  3. Responsible is the Manipur chakra for different activities, therefore it is considered a chakra of power, realization and volition. It can be called the center of inner strength.
  4. The balanced third chakra allows a person to learn self-control, and this gives an opportunity to achieve the goals . Manipura makes you strive for self-affirmation and self-realization.
  5. The direct influence of this energy channel on the digestive system. If his work is somehow broken, then gastritis and ulcer can develop.
  6. For the inner and psychological state of man. If the chakra is balanced, then there is peace and satisfaction of life.

If the chakra is blocked, then the person feels morally exhausted and withdrawn. There are also problems with communication and fear of failure. On the way to achieve his goal, a person will face different internal obstacles.