Unlocking chakras

People differ in the size and brightness of the chakras. Due to daily stresses and emotional experiences, their blockage can occur. In turn, this disrupts the circulation of energy through the body, and, consequently, a person can seriously become ill and socially degraded.

How can I unblock the chakras?

  1. The first chakra is often blocked due to intense fear . To improve its work you need to realize your fears, that is, just look them in the face.
  2. The blocking of the second chakra is affected by feelings of guilt. Unlocking the chakra occurs, as in the first case: admit your guilt, ask for forgiveness, thanks to this you can see yourself from the side.
  3. The blocking of the third chakra is due to a sense of shame and a strong disappointment. To improve your status, use the first method again and parse the problem.
  4. The fourth chakra can be blocked if a person is very much mourned. Unlocking this chakra is much more difficult, since the condition worsens by the presence of depression or apathy, and a person simply can not calmly assess the current situation. It is very important to have the willpower to go over the tribulation and try to soberly understand the situation, determine the causes and consequences of this condition.
  5. The blocking of the fifth chakra is affected by lies , and not only to others, but to oneself. The problem is that this behavior is contagious and if the interlocutor begins to lie, then the person does exactly the same. In this case it is recommended to go from the opposite and lie to answer the truth.
  6. The sixth chakra is blocked if the person lives illusions. It is important to remove the "rose-colored glasses" and accept the reality as it is.
  7. The blocking of the seventh chakra occurs if a person has strong earthly attachments, for example, "my" house, "my" man, etc. Gradually learn to let go, only this way you can get pleasure from life.