Smoky quartz - magical properties

Smoky quartz in everyday life is also called rauchtopaz. This mineral is transparent and when it is heated to 300 degrees the color disappears completely. The beauty of this stone is impossible not to be surprised, and the properties of smoky quartz are unique. Since ancient times, people have noticed that this mineral has tremendous energy, which affects different spheres of life.

Magical properties of smoky quartz

This mineral is the most powerful among other dark stones. The main magic effect of this stone is its ability to attract and block the dark forces. That is why many dark magicians use products of smoky quartz in their rituals . For example, a mineral helps to spoil and subjugate the consciousness of other people. Still psychics say that the magical properties of the smoky quartz stone help to come into contact with the souls of dead people. The clairvoyants used the mineral for meditation to look into the future and learn some events.

A person who uses smoky quartz for good, can develop his natural instincts. Thanks to the strength of this stone, you can become more courageous, strengthen your sexuality, and also get the necessary energy boost. Another interesting magical property of the stone - it can cause a prophetic dream. People who use jewelry with this mineral are able to calm down and establish inner peace.

The healing properties of the stone smoky quartz

It is impossible not to say about the healing abilities of the mineral, because it helps to cope with different problems. It is worth noting that all people can use the stone, but this does not concern permanent wearing. The mineral is used when there are problems with the pancreas and adrenal glands. The stone will help to cope with stress and various problems with the nervous system, for example, with obsessive thoughts and a propensity for suicide. Many people note his effective help with headaches. Smoky quartz will be useful for the male population, since it will help with weakened erections and lethargy of spermatozoa. Use rauchtopaz costs people suffering from drug and alcohol dependence. Positively affects the mineral on the work of the heart, and it is also effective in the presence of diseases of the legs, small pelvis and abdominal organs. Taking into account natural irradiation, quartz can be used in the treatment of diseases caused by radiation or chemotherapy. It is also worth noting its ability to regulate the water-salt balance in the body.

To activate the action of smoky quartz in full, it is recommended to hold the stone in hands until it becomes warm, and also to turn to him for help. For therapeutic purposes, this procedure should be carried out at least three times a day. In this case, after each session should be cleaned, for which the mineral is washed in a mild soap solution. After this, the stone must dry with sunlight or moonlight.

Who is suitable for the properties of smoky quartz stone?

Astrologers say that amulets with this mineral are ideal for people born under the sign of Scorpio and Libra. It is not recommended to constantly contact with this stone, but if you use it in certain situations, you can develop your creative potential. Strictly forbidden properties of the stone smoky quartz stone the sign of the zodiac Cancer.

It is not recommended to use ornaments with this mineral to people who are too emotional, as their stone will make unpredictable, nervous and quick-tempered.