Why does not the plum bear fruit? What should I do?

Plum is a rather unpretentious plant, usually giving excellent harvest. All of us from childhood very much like these juicy and sweet, full of delicious pulp, fruits. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the plum ceases to bear fruit at all or there is very little fruit. Let's try to understand the reasons for this unfortunate phenomenon, in order to understand how to defeat it.

The reasons for the lack of fruit plumage

There are many explanations why it does not bear a plum, and recommendations on what to do in each case.

The first reason is related to the so-called physiological decadence. Usually the picture looks like this: the tree blooms, ovaries are formed, but a part of them is showered. Probably, the tree simply can not "feed" too many fruits. This may mean that the tree is not sufficiently developed root system. You can help only by properly forming the crown.

Another reason may be due to the fact that your plum variety is self-fertilizing. If the variety of seedlings was originally chosen incorrectly, it is possible to expect fruit for a long time and to no avail. In this case, the only way to make the plum blossom and bear fruit is to plant next-door pollinating neighbors of a different kind for cross-pollination by insects.

Also, the plum may not bear fruit because of infectious diseases . The most common diseases: gray fruit rot and klyasterosporiosis. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to burn leaves and destroy mummified fruits for prevention, and also to treat the crown with special chemical preparations.

The reason for the fact that the plum blooms, but does not bear fruit can be the climate features. Weather conditions sometimes lead to the freezing of the ovaries, and the wind and sudden changes in temperature - to sterilize the pollen. In the northern regions, the sink can lack heat, in the southern - moisture. Plum equally tolerates both prolonged drought and excessive humidity. Choose a brand consciously taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region of residence.

Insect pests sometimes also cause the absence of fruit on the plum tree. For example, larvae of plumfish sawflies, caterpillars of plum stems and tolstalkers devour fruits and seeds of the fetus. Such plums crumble to the ground. Against these pests, chemical methods of protection, fishing belts, digging up of soil and its loosening are used. The microbial preparations work well against the plum moth. And against the tolstock - insecticides.

In vain not to worry, you need to know when the plum begins to bear fruit after planting. This occurs not earlier than the 4th year of life, and some varieties begin to yield a full yield only for 6-8 years.