How to change your character?

Tired of listening to comments about how bad you are? Then there are two ways out - to plug your ears or to think about whether you can change your character and how to do it.

Is it possible to change the character?

To say whether you can change your character, you should first define this term. From Greek, the word "character" is translated as an imprint. And indeed, this concept includes a set of personality traits that manifest themselves in the habits of a person, his actions in different situations and the person's attitude to the world around him. Moreover, the character is formed constantly, the influence on it is rendered by various factors - age, education, work, place of residence, etc. That's why we sometimes do not recognize school friends who fell into another environment - a person has changed, his behavior and the manner of communication have become different. But if we are influenced by the environment, then can we change ourselves, just want it? Psychologists say that it is quite possible to fulfill, but only if a person sincerely wishes for such changes. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, the character will not improve.

How to change your character?

Since the character of a person is formed all his life, it is quite real to change his task, though not as simple as it may seem at first. It will take a great deal of willpower and perseverance to replace the habitual quick temper with patience. Therefore, the first thing to do is say "I want to change my character!" And understand why you decide to change. It's one thing if you are advised to change the character as soon as possible, explaining that for the girl such disagreements alone will bring trouble. But at the same time you yourself do not feel any problems and you live in clover. And completely different, if you understand that in all the troubles that are falling on you recently, your bad character is to blame. In the first case, its priceless individuality must be protected, and the second situation requires changes in the style of behavior and habits.

Of course, it's impossible to change instantly, it will take time to work on yourself. And to improve yourself was easier, you need to determine for yourself the front of the work. To do this, write down on the sheet all the features of your character that you would like to change. And then choose the most evil character of your character, above the correction of which you will work first. Now we need to detail how this line is manifested, the problems that arise due to negative actions.

How to change your character traits? In the world there is a counterbalance to everything: good-evil, top-bottom, north-south, etc. So with our character, for every bad thing you can find a good side. So you need to strive to replace your negative sides with positive ones. So all on the same piece of paper, write how you will now react to this or that situation. For example, you consider your main problem to be excessive temper. Describe the last case, when this character trait has let you down. And how it was necessary to resolve the situation. After the written script is lost in the head, you can even say aloud the cues, the main thing do not give bad emotions take possession of themselves.

Also act in life, learn to monitor the situation and catch yourself on time in the manifestation of unnecessary aspects of the character. Do not be scared, if nothing happens at once, nothing terrible, the main thing is not to back down and continue to work on yourself. When one negative feature is defeated, proceed to the next one. The main thing is not to wait for a good moment, to promise to start everything on Monday or after a holiday, but start acting right away. And drive from yourselves dastardly thoughts like "I'm so weak, I can not do anything," because it's not so, everyone can change, you just need to.