Rogersia - landing and care

Рождерсия, planted on a garden site, can please with the flowering of decade. At the same time, rogiersia is an exotic flower, it was brought to Europe from Asia in the 19th century, and its name came from Admiral John Rogers, whom he noticed during the expedition.

Kinds of Rogersia

You can find out about the garden in the garden by carved, dense leaves, over which stand thick stems with flowers of delicate colorings. This plant refers to the family of saxifrage. In total, there are eight known species of Rogersia, but five can be called popular:

  1. Rogersia is a horse - chestnut - colored - named so, because its leaves look like chestnut leaves. When they blossom, they have a reddish hue, then turn green. Flowers grow to 130-140 cm, there are white and pale pink.
  2. Rogersia Henritsi - grows up to 100 cm, it grows better than others in open solar areas. Leaves with beading are then beige, then become bright green, the flowers are creamy in color.
  3. Rogersia elderberry - the least common species, is distinguished by massive leaves of bronze hue. Flowers do not grow very high, they have an ayvory color, they spread a very pronounced flavor.
  4. Rogersia pinnate is a low plant up to 70 cm, with very branched inflorescences of white and pink color and very wide low leaves.
  5. Rogersia stopolistnaya (podophyllous) - refers to the largest representatives, can reach 160cm. It is distinguished by sweeping leaves and loose fluffy inflorescences cream and white. This is rogiersia, whose varieties can be called the most original. For example, the Big Mama variety is the largest, and the Pagoda variety is distinguished by its unique multi-tiered inflorescences.

Planting Rodgersia and caring for her

Despite its overseas origin, Rogersia refers to plants, planting and caring for which do not require excessive effort. For landing it is necessary to choose a shaded place, closed from strong winds. Soil is preferable to fertile and moist, but does not like places with stagnant water. When planting this flower, you need to remember that it is a long-term one, so you need to leave a reserve of space in order for rogiers to grow into what is to become later. Care consists of the following procedures:

  1. Regular watering . In nature, rodgersia often grows near water bodies, so it should not be allowed to dry out the soil beneath it. In the droughty period, watering is especially not worth the sting. And it is better to use for disembarkation near a reservoir .
  2. Top dressing . Organic fertilizers significantly improve the growth and resistance of plants.
  3. Pruning . It is carried out in process of withering of colors and leaves, it is desirable to remove all vegetation by winter.
  4. Wintering . Rogersia tolerates frosts well, but is afraid of spring frosts. Therefore, it is necessary to cover the plant with compost or foliage for the winter, and in the spring it can be insulated with dense material.

Reproduction of Rogersky

The most popular ways of propagation for rodzersii - division of a bush or rhizomes. Division of a bush is better to spend in the spring, so that plants grow stronger before winter. Part of the bush is immediately planted in the soil to a depth of about 5cm. Rhizomes are harvested usually in the autumn, sprouted indoors in boxes, and in summer planted on the site. Allows rodzersiya reproduction and seeds, but this is a very troublesome occupation. Seeds are best used only fresh, as their germination decreases with time. They are sown in autumn in boxes that leave all winter on the street. In the spring, boxes are brought into the room, watered, after which sprouts appear quickly enough, which are first transplanted into small containers, and then into the ground.

With proper care, Rogersia will become a wonderful blooming garden decoration for many years to come!