Fear of blood

Fear of blood, this phobia is one of the most common on the planet. According to statistics, every second person on the globe is subject to attacks of obsessive fear for various reasons. Let's figure out what it's manifested and how to get rid of it.

What is the name of the fear of blood?

Fear of blood has several common names - hemophobia, hemophobia and hematophobia. This phobia takes the third place in the rating of the most frequently encountered human fears. It refers to strong fears , which manifest themselves as panic reactions when they see not only their own blood, but also the blood of other people. Such attacks are accompanied by trembling limbs, blushing of the face, violent emotional reactions and even fainting. An interesting fact is that fainting can occur both in "psychologically vulnerable" people and in people who are not prone to expressive emotional reactions while having no complaints about their health and well-being.

It should be understood that the usual feeling of disgust at the sight of blood is a normal reaction of any person. But if, with a shallow cut of the finger, you begin to experience the above symptoms, then here it should be said exactly about the fear of the type of blood.

How to get rid of the fear of blood?

In order to get rid of hematophobia it is necessary to understand the cause of its occurrence. The nature of all phobias is such that the origins of their origin lie more in the psychological aspect of human health. As the main cause of hemophobia, scientists distinguish fear of injury and as a result of the death of our ancestors, because in those far times the concept of medicine as a current was absent, so even a minor wound could lead to death. It can be assumed that from this grows the fear of donating blood, because at the subconscious level, some people take the surrender of elementary tests as blood loss. Since then, a lot has changed, he fear of blood has been left in us at the gene level.

Another reason for this obsessive fear can serve as a traumatic experience from our past. If in the distant childhood you were given an injection of an inexperienced nurse, as a result of which you panicked or maybe even lost consciousness, then in the future the fear of pain can be imprinted in your memory as an obsessive fear. This leads to fear of blood donation, panic reactions at the slightest damage, avoidance of sharp objects in order to avoid possible injuries, etc.

A lot of inconveniences caused by hemophobia pushes people to find ways to overcome it.

There are several ways to overcome fear of the sight of blood.

  1. Physical factor. If you feel that you now lose consciousness at the sight of blood, then try to strain the muscles of the body, move your hands and feet, this normalizes the pressure and helps prevent fainting.
  2. Identify the cause. Hematophobia is often confused with fear of medical institutions, doctors, injections, etc. so before proceeding to self-medicate a phobia it is necessary to clearly identify the cause of its occurrence.
  3. Find out the necessary information. Some people tend to dramatize hospital procedures, such as blood donation, so before taking their "frightening" stories for information, just ask the professionals how much blood you will take, how painful this procedure is.
  4. Wedge knocks out. Sometimes in order to defeat your fear you just need to look into his eyes, so if you are determined to get rid of this phobia, then you need to go to the hospital and donate blood, in most cases this is the fastest and most effective way of self-treatment.

In the event that all your attempts at self-treatment were unsuccessful, it makes sense to seek help from a psychologist.